Using:extend pseudo-class with one parameter in LESS file

LESS preprocessor delivers you extend that extend rules in CSS classes. Look at the HTML file:
Let’s see less file:

.mainProp {
    color: orangered;
.extProp:extend(.mainProp) {

The less file compiles code into CSS file:

.mainProp, .extProp {
  color: orangered;
.extProp {
  background-color: yellowgreen;

As you notice, thanks using the extend pseudo-class you can extend rules in one class (extProp) about rules from other class. This other class is given as a parameter of extend pseudo-class. Pseudo-class uses sign ‘:’.

Look at the HTML file:


My favorite animals




And others animals

You see as the result:
The effect you obtain if you use instead of :extend after name of selector:   &:extend with parameter inside  the extended class. Look at the changed code less file:

.mainProp {
    color: orangered;
.extProp {

Your CSS file will be the same. The work an extend pseudo-class is similar to the using mixins. Which of them use? If you have to use any parameter, the good choice is  mixins, otherwise the better choice is :extend.