Using:extend pseudo-class with one parameter in LESS file

LESS preprocessor delivers you extend that extend rules in CSS classes. Look at the HTML file: Let’s see less file: .mainPro ... ins. Which of them use? If you have to use any parameter, the good choice is  mixins, otherwise the better choice is :extend.

How create HTML project in Netbeans having a connection to the LESS compilator for CSS file?

In this topic we create HTML project in Netbeans 8.2. This project will be use LESS compilator for CSS file. First select fr ... @mainColor ; } p { color: @pColor ; } Now in browser you see: The existing CSS file was changed after changed in LESS file.  

How use the value from second variable which the value is stored in other variable?

Sometime you would like get value from one variable, which name is stored in other variable. How do it? Look at the example ... My favorite animals Pets Dogs Hamsters And others animals It returns the website:

The simple way to install LESS preprocessor through node.js and compile LESS file to CSS file

Lately I started my adventure with LESS. It is first post about the LESS for you. If you don’t know what is the LESS, I expla ... again LESS compiler. The style.css was changed. Look at its content. After run HTML file you see website like that below.

The simple way to install LESS preprocessor through node.js and compile LESS file to CSS file

Lately I started my adventure with LESS. It is first post about the LESS for you. If you don’t know what is the LESS, I expla ... again LESS compiler. The style.css was changed. Look at its content. After run HTML file you see website like that below.

Using:extend pseudo-class with one parameter in LESS file

LESS preprocessor delivers you extend that extend rules in CSS classes. Look at the HTML file: Let’s see less file: .mainPro ... ins. Which of them use? If you have to use any parameter, the good choice is  mixins, otherwise the better choice is :extend.

How use the value from second variable which the value is stored in other variable?

Sometime you would like get value from one variable, which name is stored in other variable. How do it? Look at the example ... My favorite animals Pets Dogs Hamsters And others animals It returns the website: