Eclipse Oxygen 3 and Java 10

If you write an application to read a file existing in the current project, you have to put file name. However it is not suf ... st); Simple way to display all properties from your System object is use this code: System.getProperties().list(System.out);

Simple Module application in Java 10 and Eclipse Oxygen 3a

In this post I show how in very simple way create module application in Java 10 using Eclipse IDE(Oxygen 3a). Open IDE and s ... Apply and Close button. Select main class and Run it. In Output window you see text come from m1 module from Hello object.

Training Java

It is topic given execises in Java about conversion integer. In this example you can see work conversion of short datatype i ... s begin from -128 to 127 and this cycle is repeated, in this example it is go on to 7 units. It is present in diagram below:

Training Java – part 7 – how work shift bits?

In this post you find out how work shift bits in number. Begin with this example: public class Test { public static void mai ... ers this first places are zero, so they are  count  for >>> operator but are zero so value for  these bits are zero.

How add and configure WildFly 10 server in Spring Tool Suite

Open Spring Tool Suite and look at the Servers node into it. There are not WildFly on the list of servers. In the following ... p WildFly Server if is running. In standalone.xml file change line with port 8080 to 8180 or other. Save file and run server.

Desktop Java 8 – part 5– How in the simple way to colour JTable component in frame?

Another topic about Java desktop application. In it You find answer how make colour table component in Java JFrame. Our last ... kground(new Color(3,123,225)); f.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT)); f.add(scroll); ... Effect launching application:

Installation of Spring Tool Suite(STS) 3.9.0 on Windows

First you must install JDK. How I wrote in my post in Java category. Second step is install Eclipse IDE for JEE. Download in ... ts folder. The unzip STS has sts-bundle name. Look at the screen. In the sts-3.9.0.RELEASE catalog you find files as below.

Training Java

How result give you divided two numbers? I explain it on basic example: public class Test { public static void main(String[] ... ersion from double to float Why? Because double divided by int give you double, not float. Float must be sign will f letter.

Installation and configuration Eclipse Oxygen.2 for Java 9

If you would like use Java 9 and look for instruction how install JDK Java 9 on Windows I desribed it in my post “How instal ... install. At the end you have to restart Eclipse. The next article will explain how write in Java 9 application using module.

How install JDK Java 9 on Windows?

First step is downloading installation file. Go to Oracle website.In the Download tab on website click the JDK DOWNLOAD butt ... g these names set paths. Test Java. Open Command Line window and write in it:java -version You see information looks like it:

How use final modifier for variable in Java 9?

In this article we dive into Java 9 and final modifier . We create in Eclipse with Java 9 project: and create two classes: L ... anName = "Gary" ; String m = tf.getManName(); String w = tf.getWOMAN_NAME(); System.out.println(m+' '+w); } } Result:

Exception The absolute uri: cannot be resolved in either web.xml in Tomcat and Netbeans

Today I move my Netbeans JEE Project from one computer to another. In Netbeans I run Clear and Build tool and then run appli ... rary button. On the list I see added library. I click the OK button. In last I Clear and Build project and run application.  

How install and configure Tomcat 8 on windows?

First You may go to website. Click on Tomcat 8.0 link in Download section on the left the website. ... In browser write address: Http://localhost:9090 If you see this website: Stopping tomcat in console write shutdown.      

How add another tomcat server to Netbeans?

While installing Netbeans IDE it is install GlassFish server and Tomcat server if you customize it. But if you have only Gla ... n Server window You see in Connection tab your configuration data. Click the Close button and work with new  Tomcat 8 server.

Two ways for move war file from Netbeans to Tomcat 8.

In last post we create in Netbeans WebApp application(jsp website). But if you want to run this application in tomcat withou ... ager App in tomcat and deploy this application, in webapps folder in tomcat will be unpacked war archive as webapp catalogue.

First project in JSF in Netbeans

In Netbeans you may create in simple way your Java Server Faces project. First create project. Choose form menu File->New ... displays by browser: If you find out to write simple JavaServer Faces application in Netbeans IDE is very simple and easy.  

JNDI DataSource SQL Server configuration in Tomcat for only one JSP application

In this post I describe you how configuring JEE application to connect to SQL Server database through DataSource. First crea ... our localization driver and click the Open button. In tree of project you can see it. Run application.                      

Installation, configuration and testing Java 7

Java is my favorite language. Why? Because it is universal, objective, multithreaded, portable programming language, which w ... n You see information looks like it: On website in Documentation tab You find either documentation for Java.

Simple JSTL application in Netbeans 8

Let’s start create new project in Netbeans IDE. Choose from menu File->New Project. In New Project window select on the l ... .jsp file:                     JSTL                 JSTL page             Then you may run your application.  

First project in JSF in Netbeans

In Netbeans you may create in simple way your Java Server Faces project. First create project. Choose form menu File->New ... displays by browser: If you find out to write simple JavaServer Faces application in Netbeans IDE is very simple and easy.