Formatowanie pola UITextField dla wejścia karty kredytowej jak (xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx)

Chcę sformatować UITextField za wpisanie numeru karty kredytowej w taki sposób, aby można było wprowadzać tylko cyfry i automatycznie wstawiać spacje tak, aby Numer był sformatowany w ten sposób:

Jak mogę to zrobić?
Author: Can Aksoy, 0000-00-00

1 answers

Jeśli używasz Swifta, przeczytaj mój port tej odpowiedzi dla Swifta 4 i użyj go zamiast tego.

Jeśli jesteś w Objective-C...

Po Pierwsze, do UITextFieldDelegate dodaj te zmienne instancji...

NSString *previousTextFieldContent;
UITextRange *previousSelection;

... i te metody:

// Version 1.3
// Source and explanation:
-(void)reformatAsCardNumber:(UITextField *)textField
    // In order to make the cursor end up positioned correctly, we need to
    // explicitly reposition it after we inject spaces into the text.
    // targetCursorPosition keeps track of where the cursor needs to end up as
    // we modify the string, and at the end we set the cursor position to it.
    NSUInteger targetCursorPosition = 
        [textField offsetFromPosition:textField.beginningOfDocument

    NSString *cardNumberWithoutSpaces = 
        [self removeNonDigits:textField.text

    if ([cardNumberWithoutSpaces length] > 19) {
        // If the user is trying to enter more than 19 digits, we prevent 
        // their change, leaving the text field in  its previous state.
        // While 16 digits is usual, credit card numbers have a hard 
        // maximum of 19 digits defined by ISO standard 7812-1 in section
        // 3.8 and elsewhere. Applying this hard maximum here rather than
        // a maximum of 16 ensures that users with unusual card numbers
        // will still be able to enter their card number even if the
        // resultant formatting is odd.
        [textField setText:previousTextFieldContent];
        textField.selectedTextRange = previousSelection;

    NSString *cardNumberWithSpaces = 
        [self insertCreditCardSpaces:cardNumberWithoutSpaces

    textField.text = cardNumberWithSpaces;
    UITextPosition *targetPosition = 
        [textField positionFromPosition:[textField beginningOfDocument]

    [textField setSelectedTextRange:
        [textField textRangeFromPosition:targetPosition

-(BOOL)textField:(UITextField *)textField 
                     replacementString:(NSString *)string
    // Note textField's current state before performing the change, in case
    // reformatTextField wants to revert it
    previousTextFieldContent = textField.text;
    previousSelection = textField.selectedTextRange;

    return YES;

 Removes non-digits from the string, decrementing `cursorPosition` as
 appropriate so that, for instance, if we pass in `@"1111 1123 1111"`
 and a cursor position of `8`, the cursor position will be changed to
 `7` (keeping it between the '2' and the '3' after the spaces are removed).
- (NSString *)removeNonDigits:(NSString *)string
                andPreserveCursorPosition:(NSUInteger *)cursorPosition 
    NSUInteger originalCursorPosition = *cursorPosition;
    NSMutableString *digitsOnlyString = [NSMutableString new];
    for (NSUInteger i=0; i<[string length]; i++) {
        unichar characterToAdd = [string characterAtIndex:i];
        if (isdigit(characterToAdd)) {
            NSString *stringToAdd = 
                [NSString stringWithCharacters:&characterToAdd

            [digitsOnlyString appendString:stringToAdd];
        else {
            if (i < originalCursorPosition) {

    return digitsOnlyString;

 Detects the card number format from the prefix, then inserts spaces into
 the string to format it as a credit card number, incrementing `cursorPosition`
 as appropriate so that, for instance, if we pass in `@"111111231111"` and a
 cursor position of `7`, the cursor position will be changed to `8` (keeping
 it between the '2' and the '3' after the spaces are added).
- (NSString *)insertCreditCardSpaces:(NSString *)string
                          andPreserveCursorPosition:(NSUInteger *)cursorPosition
    // Mapping of card prefix to pattern is taken from

    // UATP cards have 4-5-6 (XXXX-XXXXX-XXXXXX) format
    bool is456 = [string hasPrefix: @"1"];

    // These prefixes reliably indicate either a 4-6-5 or 4-6-4 card. We treat all
    // these as 4-6-5-4 to err on the side of always letting the user type more
    // digits.
    bool is465 = [string hasPrefix: @"34"] ||
                 [string hasPrefix: @"37"] ||

                 // Diners Club
                 [string hasPrefix: @"300"] ||
                 [string hasPrefix: @"301"] ||
                 [string hasPrefix: @"302"] ||
                 [string hasPrefix: @"303"] ||
                 [string hasPrefix: @"304"] ||
                 [string hasPrefix: @"305"] ||
                 [string hasPrefix: @"309"] ||
                 [string hasPrefix: @"36"] ||
                 [string hasPrefix: @"38"] ||
                 [string hasPrefix: @"39"];

    // In all other cases, assume 4-4-4-4-3.
    // This won't always be correct; for instance, Maestro has 4-4-5 cards
    // according to,
    // but I don't know what prefixes identify particular formats.
    bool is4444 = !(is456 || is465);

    NSMutableString *stringWithAddedSpaces = [NSMutableString new];
    NSUInteger cursorPositionInSpacelessString = *cursorPosition;
    for (NSUInteger i=0; i<[string length]; i++) {
        bool needs465Spacing = (is465 && (i == 4 || i == 10 || i == 15));
        bool needs456Spacing = (is456 && (i == 4 || i == 9 || i == 15));
        bool needs4444Spacing = (is4444 && i > 0 && (i % 4) == 0);
Author: ,
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