Free Barcode API for.NET [zamknięte]

Czy istnieje przyzwoity darmowy API / komponent do drukowania kodów kreskowych w C#?

Author: John Saunders, 2010-01-11

3 answers

Czy Barcode Rendering Framework at Codeplex GitHub może być pomocny?

Author: Svish,
Warning: date(): Invalid date.timezone value 'Europe/Kyiv', we selected the timezone 'UTC' for now. in /var/www/agent_stack/data/www/ on line 54
2017-12-12 08:36:50

Polecam BarcodeLibrary

Oto mały fragment kodu, jak go używać.

        BarcodeLib.Barcode barcode = new BarcodeLib.Barcode()
            IncludeLabel = true,
            Alignment = AlignmentPositions.CENTER,
            Width = 300,
            Height = 100,
            RotateFlipType = RotateFlipType.RotateNoneFlipNone,
            BackColor = Color.White,
            ForeColor = Color.Black,

        Image img = barcode.Encode(TYPE.CODE128B, "123456789");
Author: Andrei Schneider,
Warning: date(): Invalid date.timezone value 'Europe/Kyiv', we selected the timezone 'UTC' for now. in /var/www/agent_stack/data/www/ on line 54
2011-04-05 15:42:07

Istnieje "3 of 9" kontrola na CodeProject: Barcode. Net Control

Author: Rubens Farias,
Warning: date(): Invalid date.timezone value 'Europe/Kyiv', we selected the timezone 'UTC' for now. in /var/www/agent_stack/data/www/ on line 54
2010-01-11 16:57:42