Przesuń pole tekstowe, gdy pojawi się klawiatura swift

Używam Swift do programowania z iOS i używam tego kodu, aby przenieść UITextField, ale to nie działa. Wywołuję funkcję keyboardWillShow poprawnie, ale pole tekstowe się nie rusza. Używam autolayout.

override func viewDidLoad() {
    NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserver(self, selector: Selector("keyboardWillShow:"), name:UIKeyboardWillShowNotification, object: nil);
    NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserver(self, selector: Selector("keyboardWillHide:"), name:UIKeyboardWillHideNotification, object: nil);

deinit {

func keyboardWillShow(notification: NSNotification) {
    if let keyboardSize = (notification.userInfo?[UIKeyboardFrameBeginUserInfoKey] as? NSValue)?.CGRectValue() {
        //let contentInsets = UIEdgeInsets(top: 0, left: 0, bottom: keyboardSize.height, right: 0)

        var frame = self.ChatField.frame
        frame.origin.y = frame.origin.y - keyboardSize.height + 167
        self.chatField.frame = frame
Author: hawaiianchimp, 2014-09-05

30 answers

Istnieje kilka ulepszeń, które należy wprowadzić w istniejących odpowiedziach.

Po pierwsze UIKeyboardWillChangeFrameNotification jest prawdopodobnie najlepszym powiadomieniem, ponieważ obsługuje zmiany, które nie są tylko Pokaż/Ukryj, ale zmiany spowodowane zmianami klawiatury(język, korzystanie z klawiatur innych firm itp.) i rotacji.

Po Drugie parametry animacji można pobrać z powiadomienia, aby upewnić się, że animacje są prawidłowo połączone.

Są prawdopodobnie opcje czyszczenia up ten kod trochę bardziej, zwłaszcza jeśli są wygodne z siłą rozpakowywania kodu słownika.

Swift 3.x / 4.x

class MyViewController: UIViewController {

// This constraint ties an element at zero points from the bottom layout guide
@IBOutlet var keyboardHeightLayoutConstraint: NSLayoutConstraint?

override func viewDidLoad() {
    // Note that SO highlighting makes the new selector syntax (#selector()) look
    // like a comment but it isn't one
        selector: #selector(self.keyboardNotification(notification:)),
        name: NSNotification.Name.UIKeyboardWillChangeFrame,
        object: nil)

deinit {

@objc func keyboardNotification(notification: NSNotification) {
    if let userInfo = notification.userInfo {
        let endFrame = (userInfo[UIKeyboardFrameEndUserInfoKey] as? NSValue)?.cgRectValue
        let endFrameY = endFrame.origin.y ?? 0
        let duration:TimeInterval = (userInfo[UIKeyboardAnimationDurationUserInfoKey] as? NSNumber)?.doubleValue ?? 0
        let animationCurveRawNSN = userInfo[UIKeyboardAnimationCurveUserInfoKey] as? NSNumber
        let animationCurveRaw = animationCurveRawNSN?.uintValue ?? UIViewAnimationOptions.curveEaseInOut.rawValue
        let animationCurve:UIViewAnimationOptions = UIViewAnimationOptions(rawValue: animationCurveRaw)
        if endFrameY >= UIScreen.main.bounds.size.height {
            self.keyboardHeightLayoutConstraint?.constant = 0.0
        } else {
            self.keyboardHeightLayoutConstraint?.constant = endFrame?.size.height ?? 0.0
        UIView.animate(withDuration: duration,
                                   delay: TimeInterval(0),
                                   options: animationCurve,
                                   animations: { self.view.layoutIfNeeded() },
                                   completion: nil)

Swift 2.x

class MyViewController: UIViewController {

// This constraint ties an element at zero points from the bottom layout guide
@IBOutlet var keyboardHeightLayoutConstraint: NSLayoutConstraint?

override func viewDidLoad() {
    // Note that SO highlighting makes the new selector syntax (#selector()) look
    // like a comment but it isn't one
      selector: #selector(self.keyboardNotification(_:)),
      name: UIKeyboardWillChangeFrameNotification,
      object: nil)

deinit {

func keyboardNotification(notification: NSNotification) {
    if let userInfo = notification.userInfo {
        let endFrame = (userInfo[UIKeyboardFrameEndUserInfoKey] as?     NSValue)?.CGRectValue()
        let duration:NSTimeInterval = (userInfo[UIKeyboardAnimationDurationUserInfoKey] as? NSNumber)?.doubleValue ?? 0
        let animationCurveRawNSN = userInfo[UIKeyboardAnimationCurveUserInfoKey] as? NSNumber
        let animationCurveRaw = animationCurveRawNSN?.unsignedLongValue ?? UIViewAnimationOptions.CurveEaseInOut.rawValue
        let animationCurve:UIViewAnimationOptions = UIViewAnimationOptions(rawValue: animationCurveRaw)
        if endFrame?.origin.y >= UIScreen.mainScreen().bounds.size.height {
            self.keyboardHeightLayoutConstraint?.constant = 0.0
        } else {
            self.keyboardHeightLayoutConstraint?.constant = endFrame?.size.height ?? 0.0
            delay: NSTimeInterval(0),
            options: animationCurve,
            animations: { self.view.layoutIfNeeded() },
            completion: nil)

(edytowane w celu uwzględnienia animacji klawiatury poza ekranem zamiast kurczenia się, zgodnie z niesamowitym komentarzem @ Gabox poniżej)

Author: Joseph Lord,
Warning: date(): Invalid date.timezone value 'Europe/Kyiv', we selected the timezone 'UTC' for now. in /var/www/agent_stack/data/www/ on line 54
2018-01-19 12:18:17

Jeśli używasz układu Auto, zakładam, że ustawiłeś spację dolną na ograniczenie Superview. W takim przypadku wystarczy zaktualizować wartość ograniczenia. Oto jak to zrobić z odrobiną animacji.

func keyboardWasShown(notification: NSNotification) {
    let info = notification.userInfo!
    let keyboardFrame: CGRect = (info[UIKeyboardFrameEndUserInfoKey] as! NSValue).CGRectValue()

    UIView.animateWithDuration(0.1, animations: { () -> Void in
        self.bottomConstraint.constant = keyboardFrame.size.height + 20

Hardcoded 20 jest dodawany tylko po to, aby pop pole tekstowe nad klawiaturą tylko trochę. W przeciwnym razie górny margines klawiatury i dolny margines textfield byłyby dotykające.

Gdy klawiatura zostanie odrzucona, zresetuj wartość ograniczenia do jego oryginalny.

Author: Isuru,
Warning: date(): Invalid date.timezone value 'Europe/Kyiv', we selected the timezone 'UTC' for now. in /var/www/agent_stack/data/www/ on line 54
2016-08-09 08:01:22

Prostym rozwiązaniem jest przesunięcie widoku w górę ze stałą wysokością klawiatury.

override func viewDidLoad() {
   NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserver(self, selector: Selector("keyboardWillShow:"), name:UIKeyboardWillShowNotification, object: nil);
   NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserver(self, selector: Selector("keyboardWillHide:"), name:UIKeyboardWillHideNotification, object: nil);

func keyboardWillShow(sender: NSNotification) {
     self.view.frame.origin.y = -150 // Move view 150 points upward 

func keyboardWillHide(sender: NSNotification) {
     self.view.frame.origin.y = 0 // Move view to original position  

Swift 3

    NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(RegisterViewController.keyboardWillShow(sender:)), name: NSNotification.Name.UIKeyboardWillShow, object: nil)

    NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(RegisterViewController.keyboardWillHide(sender:)), name: NSNotification.Name.UIKeyboardWillHide, object: nil)
Author: Saqib Omer,
Warning: date(): Invalid date.timezone value 'Europe/Kyiv', we selected the timezone 'UTC' for now. in /var/www/agent_stack/data/www/ on line 54
2017-08-02 07:33:39

Do przesuwania widoku podczas edycji textfield spróbuj tego, zastosowałem to, działa dobrze

func textFieldDidBeginEditing(textField: UITextField) {
        self.animateViewMoving(up: true, moveValue: 100)
func textFieldDidEndEditing(textField: UITextField) {
        self.animateViewMoving(up: false, moveValue: 100)

func animateViewMoving (up:Bool, moveValue :CGFloat){
    var movementDuration:NSTimeInterval = 0.3
    var movement:CGFloat = ( up ? -moveValue : moveValue)
    UIView.beginAnimations( "animateView", context: nil)
    UIView.setAnimationDuration(movementDuration )
    self.view.frame = CGRectOffset(self.view.frame, 0,  movement)

Otrzymałem odpowiedź z tego źródła UITextField przesuń w górę, gdy klawiatura pojawi się w Swift

W Swift 4 - - -

func textFieldDidBeginEditing(_ textField: UITextField) {
        animateViewMoving(up: true, moveValue: 100)

    func textFieldDidEndEditing(_ textField: UITextField) {
        animateViewMoving(up: false, moveValue: 100)
    func animateViewMoving (up:Bool, moveValue :CGFloat){
        let movementDuration:TimeInterval = 0.3
        let movement:CGFloat = ( up ? -moveValue : moveValue)
        UIView.beginAnimations( "animateView", context: nil)
        UIView.setAnimationDuration(movementDuration ) 
        self.view.frame = self.view.frame.offsetBy(dx: 0, dy: movement)
Author: Jogendra.Com,
Warning: date(): Invalid date.timezone value 'Europe/Kyiv', we selected the timezone 'UTC' for now. in /var/www/agent_stack/data/www/ on line 54
2018-08-08 04:59:19

Uwielbiam czysty kod Swift. Oto najciaśniejszy kod, jaki mogłem wymyślić, aby przesunąć widok tekstu w górę / w dół za pomocą klawiatury. Obecnie działa w aplikacji produkcyjnej iOS8 / 9 Swift 2.

Aktualizacja (Marzec 2016): Właśnie zaostrzyłem mój poprzedni kod tak bardzo, jak to możliwe. Ponadto, istnieje kilka popularnych odpowiedzi tutaj, które hardcode wysokość klawiatury i parametry animacji. Nie ma takiej potrzeby, nie wspominając o tym, że liczby w tych odpowiedziach nie zawsze zgadzają się z rzeczywistymi wartości widzę na moim 6s+ iOS9(wysokość klawiatury 226, czas trwania 0.25 i Krzywa animacji 7). W każdym razie prawie nie ma dodatkowego kodu, aby uzyskać te wartości prosto z systemu. Patrz poniżej.

override func viewDidLoad() {

    NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserver(self, selector: "animateWithKeyboard:", name: UIKeyboardWillShowNotification, object: nil)
    NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserver(self, selector: "animateWithKeyboard:", name: UIKeyboardWillHideNotification, object: nil)

func animateWithKeyboard(notification: NSNotification) {

    // Based on both Apple's docs and personal experience, 
    // I assume userInfo and its documented keys are available.
    // If you'd like, you can remove the forced unwrapping and add your own default values.

    let userInfo = notification.userInfo!
    let keyboardHeight = (userInfo[UIKeyboardFrameEndUserInfoKey] as! NSValue).CGRectValue().height
    let duration = userInfo[UIKeyboardAnimationDurationUserInfoKey] as! Double
    let curve = userInfo[UIKeyboardAnimationCurveUserInfoKey] as! UInt
    let moveUp = ( == UIKeyboardWillShowNotification)

    // baseContraint is your Auto Layout constraint that pins the
    // text view to the bottom of the superview.

    baseConstraint.constant = moveUp ? -keyboardHeight : 0

    let options = UIViewAnimationOptions(rawValue: curve << 16)
    UIView.animateWithDuration(duration, delay: 0, options: options,
        animations: {
        completion: nil


Uwaga: Ten kod obejmuje najbardziej komentowany / ogólny przypadek. Jednak, więcej kodu może być potrzebne do obsługi różnych orientacji i/lub niestandardowych klawiatur Oto dogłębny artykuł na temat pracy z klawiaturą iOS. Jeśli musisz obsłużyć każdy scenariusz, może to pomóc.

Author: scootermg,
Warning: date(): Invalid date.timezone value 'Europe/Kyiv', we selected the timezone 'UTC' for now. in /var/www/agent_stack/data/www/ on line 54
2016-03-03 17:23:26

Edit : polecam łatwiejsze i czystsze rozwiązanie. Po prostu zmień klasę ograniczenia dolnego odstępu na KeyboardLayoutConstraint. Automatycznie rozszerzy się na wysokość klawiatury.

To jest ulepszona wersja odpowiedzi @ JosephLord. [7]} jak testowany na iOS 8.3 iPad Simulator, Portret. Xcode6. 3 beta4, znalazłem jego odpowiedź nie działa, gdy klawiatura się ukrywa, ponieważ UIKeyboardFrameEndUserInfoKey jest "NSRect: {{0, 1024}, {768, 264}}";. Wysokość nigdy nie jest 0.

To wraca do użyj tradycyjnych UIKeyboardWillShowNotification i UIKeyboardWillHideNotification, aby lepiej określić, kiedy klawiatura jest ukryta, zamiast polegać na wysokości ramki końcowej. UIKeyboardWillShowNotification jest również wysyłany po zmianie ramki klawiatury, więc powinien obejmować wszystkie przypadki użycia.

    // You have to set this up in storyboard first!. 
    // It's a vertical spacing constraint between view and bottom of superview.
    @IBOutlet weak var bottomSpacingConstraint: NSLayoutConstraint! 

    override func viewDidLoad() {

        NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserver(self, selector: Selector("keyboardNotification:"), name:UIKeyboardWillShowNotification, object: nil);
        NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserver(self, selector: Selector("keyboardNotification:"), name:UIKeyboardWillHideNotification, object: nil);

    deinit {

    func keyboardNotification(notification: NSNotification) {

        let isShowing = == UIKeyboardWillShowNotification

        if let userInfo = notification.userInfo {
            let endFrame = (userInfo[UIKeyboardFrameEndUserInfoKey] as? NSValue)?.CGRectValue()
            let endFrameHeight = endFrame?.size.height ?? 0.0
            let duration:NSTimeInterval = (userInfo[UIKeyboardAnimationDurationUserInfoKey] as? NSNumber)?.doubleValue ?? 0
            let animationCurveRawNSN = userInfo[UIKeyboardAnimationCurveUserInfoKey] as? NSNumber
            let animationCurveRaw = animationCurveRawNSN?.unsignedLongValue ?? UIViewAnimationOptions.CurveEaseInOut.rawValue
            let animationCurve:UIViewAnimationOptions = UIViewAnimationOptions(rawValue: animationCurveRaw)
            self.bottomSpacingConstraint?.constant = isShowing ? endFrameHeight : 0.0
                delay: NSTimeInterval(0),
                options: animationCurve,
                animations: { self.view.layoutIfNeeded() },
                completion: nil)
Author: Hlung,
Warning: date(): Invalid date.timezone value 'Europe/Kyiv', we selected the timezone 'UTC' for now. in /var/www/agent_stack/data/www/ on line 54
2015-05-03 05:59:53

Jest to ulepszona wersja odpowiedzi @ JosephLord i @ Hlung. Może mieć zastosowanie niezależnie od tego, czy masz pasek Tabb, czy nie. I doskonale przywróci widok, który jest przesuwany przez klawiaturę do pierwotnej pozycji.

// You have to set this up in storyboard first!. 
// It's a vertical spacing constraint between view and bottom of superview.
@IBOutlet weak var bottomSpacingConstraint: NSLayoutConstraint! 

override func viewDidLoad() {

        //    Receive(Get) Notification
        NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserver(self, selector: "keyboardNotification:", name: UIKeyboardWillShowNotification, object: nil)
        NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserver(self, selector: "keyboardNotification:", name: UIKeyboardWillHideNotification, object: nil)

        self.originalConstraint = self.keyboardHeightLayoutConstraint?.constant //for original coordinate.

func keyboardNotification(notification: NSNotification) {
        let isShowing = == UIKeyboardWillShowNotification

        var tabbarHeight: CGFloat = 0
        if self.tabBarController? != nil {
            tabbarHeight = self.tabBarController!.tabBar.frame.height
        if let userInfo = notification.userInfo {
            let endFrame = (userInfo[UIKeyboardFrameEndUserInfoKey] as? NSValue)?.CGRectValue()
            let duration:NSTimeInterval = (userInfo[UIKeyboardAnimationDurationUserInfoKey] as? NSNumber)?.doubleValue ?? 0
            let animationCurveRawNSN = userInfo[UIKeyboardAnimationCurveUserInfoKey] as? NSNumber
            let animationCurveRaw = animationCurveRawNSN?.unsignedLongValue ?? UIViewAnimationOptions.CurveEaseInOut.rawValue
            let animationCurve:UIViewAnimationOptions = UIViewAnimationOptions(rawValue: animationCurveRaw)
            self.keyboardHeightLayoutConstraint?.constant = isShowing ? (endFrame!.size.height - tabbarHeight) : self.originalConstraint!
                delay: NSTimeInterval(0),
                options: animationCurve,
                animations: { self.view.layoutIfNeeded() },
                completion: nil)
Author: Jeff Gu Kang,
Warning: date(): Invalid date.timezone value 'Europe/Kyiv', we selected the timezone 'UTC' for now. in /var/www/agent_stack/data/www/ on line 54
2016-03-28 05:51:55

Najprostszy sposób, który nie wymaga żadnego kodu:

  1. Pobierz KeyboardLayoutConstraint.swift i dodaj (przeciągnij i upuść) plik do projektu, jeśli nie używasz jeszcze Spring animation framework.
  2. w scenariuszu Utwórz dolne ograniczenie dla obiektu / widoku / pola tekstowego, wybierz ograniczenie (kliknij je dwukrotnie) i w Inspektorze tożsamości zmień jego klasę z NSLayoutConstraint na KeyboardLayoutConstraint.
  3. Zrobione!

The obiekt automatycznie przesunie się w górę za pomocą klawiatury, zsynchronizowanej.

Author: gammachill,
Warning: date(): Invalid date.timezone value 'Europe/Kyiv', we selected the timezone 'UTC' for now. in /var/www/agent_stack/data/www/ on line 54
2016-02-17 21:30:54

Stworzyłem protokół Swift 3 do obsługi wyglądu / znikania klawiatury

import UIKit

protocol KeyboardHandler: class {

var bottomConstraint: NSLayoutConstraint! { get set }

    func keyboardWillShow(_ notification: Notification)
    func keyboardWillHide(_ notification: Notification)
    func startObservingKeyboardChanges()
    func stopObservingKeyboardChanges()

extension KeyboardHandler where Self: UIViewController {

    func startObservingKeyboardChanges() {

        // NotificationCenter observers
        NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(forName: NSNotification.Name.UIKeyboardWillShow, object: nil, queue: nil) { [weak self] notification in

        // Deal with rotations
        NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(forName: NSNotification.Name.UIKeyboardWillChangeFrame, object: nil, queue: nil) { [weak self] notification in

        // Deal with keyboard change (emoji, numerical, etc.)
        NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(forName: NSNotification.Name.UITextInputCurrentInputModeDidChange, object: nil, queue: nil) { [weak self] notification in

        NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(forName: NSNotification.Name.UIKeyboardWillHide, object: nil, queue: nil) { [weak self] notification in

    func keyboardWillShow(_ notification: Notification) {

      let verticalPadding: CGFloat = 20 // Padding between the bottom of the view and the top of the keyboard

      guard let value = notification.userInfo?[UIKeyboardFrameEndUserInfoKey] as? NSValue else { return }
      let keyboardHeight = value.cgRectValue.height

      // Here you could have more complex rules, like checking if the textField currently selected is actually covered by the keyboard, but that's out of this scope.
      self.bottomConstraint.constant = keyboardHeight + verticalPadding

      UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.1, animations: { () -> Void in

  func keyboardWillHide(_ notification: Notification) {
      self.bottomConstraint.constant = 0

      UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.1, animations: { () -> Void in

  func stopObservingKeyboardChanges() {


Następnie, aby zaimplementować go w UIViewController, wykonaj następujące czynności:

  • Niech viewController będzie zgodny z tym protokołem:

    class FormMailVC: UIViewControlle, KeyboardHandler {
  • Zacznij obserwować zmiany klawiatury w viewWillAppear:

    // MARK: - View controller life cycle
    override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
  • Przestań obserwować zmiany klawiatury w viewWillDisappear:

    override func viewWillDisappear(_ animated: Bool) {
  • Utwórz IBOutlet dla dolnego ograniczenia z storyboard:

    // NSLayoutConstraints
    @IBOutlet weak var bottomConstraint: NSLayoutConstraint!

    (polecam mieć cały interfejs użytkownika osadzony wewnątrz "contentView" i powiązanie z tą właściwością dolnego ograniczenia z tego contentView do dolnego przewodnika po Układzie) Ograniczenie dolnego widoku zawartości

  • Zmiana priorytetu ograniczenia górnego ograniczenia na 250 (niski)

Content view top constraint

Ma to na celu przesunięcie całej zawartości w górę, gdy pojawi się klawiatura. Priorytet musi być niższy niż jakikolwiek inny priorytet ograniczenia w podglądzie, w tym priorytety Przytulania treści / priorytety odporności na kompresję treści.

  • Upewnij się, że funkcja Autolayout ma wystarczająco dużo ograniczeń, aby określić, w jaki sposób Widok contentView powinien się przesuwać.

Być może będziesz musiał dodać ograniczenie "większe niż równe" dla tego: ograniczenie "większe niż równe"

I proszę bardzo! Bez klawiatury

Z klawiaturą

Author: Frédéric Adda,
Warning: date(): Invalid date.timezone value 'Europe/Kyiv', we selected the timezone 'UTC' for now. in /var/www/agent_stack/data/www/ on line 54
2018-01-18 11:03:44

Takie proste UIViewController rozszerzenie może być używane

//MARK: - Observers
extension UIViewController {

    func addObserverForNotification(notificationName: String, actionBlock: (NSNotification) -> Void) {
        NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserverForName(notificationName, object: nil, queue: NSOperationQueue.mainQueue(), usingBlock: actionBlock)

    func removeObserver(observer: AnyObject, notificationName: String) {
        NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().removeObserver(observer, name: notificationName, object: nil)

//MARK: - Keyboard observers
extension UIViewController {

    typealias KeyboardHeightClosure = (CGFloat) -> ()

    func addKeyboardChangeFrameObserver(willShow willShowClosure: KeyboardHeightClosure?,
        willHide willHideClosure: KeyboardHeightClosure?) {
                object: nil, queue: NSOperationQueue.mainQueue(), usingBlock: { [weak self](notification) in
                    if let userInfo = notification.userInfo,
                        let frame = (userInfo[UIKeyboardFrameEndUserInfoKey] as? NSValue)?.CGRectValue(),
                        let duration = userInfo[UIKeyboardAnimationDurationUserInfoKey] as? Double,
                        let c = userInfo[UIKeyboardAnimationCurveUserInfoKey] as? UInt,
                        let kFrame = self?.view.convertRect(frame, fromView: nil),
                        let kBounds = self?.view.bounds {

                            let animationType = UIViewAnimationOptions(rawValue: c)
                            let kHeight = kFrame.size.height
                            UIView.animateWithDuration(duration, delay: 0, options: animationType, animations: {
                                if CGRectIntersectsRect(kBounds, kFrame) { // keyboard will be shown
                                } else { // keyboard will be hidden
                                }, completion: nil)
                    } else {
                            print("Invalid conditions for UIKeyboardWillChangeFrameNotification")

    func removeKeyboardObserver() {
        removeObserver(self, notificationName: UIKeyboardWillChangeFrameNotification)

Przykład użycia

override func viewWillDisappear(animated: Bool) {


override func viewWillAppear(animated: Bool) {

    addKeyboardChangeFrameObserver(willShow: { [weak self](height) in
        //Update constraints here
        }, willHide: { [weak self](height) in
        //Reset constraints here

Swift 4 solution

//MARK: - Observers
extension UIViewController {

  func addObserverForNotification(_ notificationName: Notification.Name, actionBlock: @escaping (Notification) -> Void) {
    NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(forName: notificationName, object: nil, queue: OperationQueue.main, using: actionBlock)

  func removeObserver(_ observer: AnyObject, notificationName: Notification.Name) {
    NotificationCenter.default.removeObserver(observer, name: notificationName, object: nil)

//MARK: - Keyboard handling
extension UIViewController {

  typealias KeyboardHeightClosure = (CGFloat) -> ()

  func addKeyboardChangeFrameObserver(willShow willShowClosure: KeyboardHeightClosure?,
                                      willHide willHideClosure: KeyboardHeightClosure?) {
    NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(forName: NSNotification.Name.UIKeyboardWillChangeFrame,
                                           object: nil, queue: OperationQueue.main, using: { [weak self](notification) in
                                            if let userInfo = notification.userInfo,
                                              let frame = (userInfo[UIKeyboardFrameEndUserInfoKey] as? NSValue)?.cgRectValue,
                                              let duration = userInfo[UIKeyboardAnimationDurationUserInfoKey] as? Double,
                                              let c = userInfo[UIKeyboardAnimationCurveUserInfoKey] as? UInt,
                                              let kFrame = self?.view.convert(frame, from: nil),
                                              let kBounds = self?.view.bounds {

                                              let animationType = UIViewAnimationOptions(rawValue: c)
                                              let kHeight = kFrame.size.height
                                              UIView.animate(withDuration: duration, delay: 0, options: animationType, animations: {
                                                if kBounds.intersects(kFrame) { // keyboard will be shown
                                                } else { // keyboard will be hidden
                                              }, completion: nil)
                                            } else {
                                              print("Invalid conditions for UIKeyboardWillChangeFrameNotification")

  func removeKeyboardObserver() {
    removeObserver(self, notificationName: NSNotification.Name.UIKeyboardWillChangeFrame)
Author: ale_stro,
Warning: date(): Invalid date.timezone value 'Europe/Kyiv', we selected the timezone 'UTC' for now. in /var/www/agent_stack/data/www/ on line 54
2018-02-12 11:28:11
struct MoveKeyboard {
    static let KEYBOARD_ANIMATION_DURATION : CGFloat = 0.3
    static let MINIMUM_SCROLL_FRACTION : CGFloat = 0.2;
    static let MAXIMUM_SCROLL_FRACTION : CGFloat = 0.8;
    static let PORTRAIT_KEYBOARD_HEIGHT : CGFloat = 216;
    static let LANDSCAPE_KEYBOARD_HEIGHT : CGFloat = 162;

  func textFieldDidBeginEditing(textField: UITextField) {
    let textFieldRect : CGRect = self.view.window!.convertRect(textField.bounds, fromView: textField)
    let viewRect : CGRect = self.view.window!.convertRect(self.view.bounds, fromView: self.view)

    let midline : CGFloat = textFieldRect.origin.y + 0.5 * textFieldRect.size.height
    let numerator : CGFloat = midline - viewRect.origin.y - MoveKeyboard.MINIMUM_SCROLL_FRACTION * viewRect.size.height
    let denominator : CGFloat = (MoveKeyboard.MAXIMUM_SCROLL_FRACTION - MoveKeyboard.MINIMUM_SCROLL_FRACTION) * viewRect.size.height
    var heightFraction : CGFloat = numerator / denominator

    if heightFraction < 0.0 {
        heightFraction = 0.0
    } else if heightFraction > 1.0 {
        heightFraction = 1.0

    let orientation : UIInterfaceOrientation = UIApplication.sharedApplication().statusBarOrientation
    if (orientation == UIInterfaceOrientation.Portrait || orientation == UIInterfaceOrientation.PortraitUpsideDown) {
        animateDistance = floor(MoveKeyboard.PORTRAIT_KEYBOARD_HEIGHT * heightFraction)
    } else {
        animateDistance = floor(MoveKeyboard.LANDSCAPE_KEYBOARD_HEIGHT * heightFraction)

    var viewFrame : CGRect = self.view.frame
    viewFrame.origin.y -= animateDistance

    UIView.beginAnimations(nil, context: nil)

    self.view.frame = viewFrame


func textFieldDidEndEditing(textField: UITextField) {
    var viewFrame : CGRect = self.view.frame
    viewFrame.origin.y += animateDistance

    UIView.beginAnimations(nil, context: nil)


    self.view.frame = viewFrame



I wreszcie, ponieważ używamy metod delegatów

func textFieldShouldReturn(textField: UITextField) -> Bool {
        return true

Refaktored from using objective-c

Author: Solomon Ayoola,
Warning: date(): Invalid date.timezone value 'Europe/Kyiv', we selected the timezone 'UTC' for now. in /var/www/agent_stack/data/www/ on line 54
2015-02-12 10:07:23

Inne rozwiązanie, które nie zależy od autolayout, ograniczeń lub jakichkolwiek gniazd. Potrzebne są pola w widoku przewijania.

override func viewDidLoad() {

    NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserver(self, selector: "makeSpaceForKeyboard:", name: UIKeyboardWillShowNotification, object: nil)
    NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserver(self, selector: "makeSpaceForKeyboard:", name: UIKeyboardWillHideNotification, object: nil)

func makeSpaceForKeyboard(notification: NSNotification) {
    let info = notification.userInfo!
    let keyboardHeight:CGFloat = (info[UIKeyboardFrameEndUserInfoKey] as! NSValue).CGRectValue().size.height
    let duration:Double = info[UIKeyboardAnimationDurationUserInfoKey] as! Double

    if == UIKeyboardWillShowNotification {
        UIView.animateWithDuration(duration, animations: { () -> Void in
            var frame = self.view.frame
            frame.size.height = frame.size.height - keyboardHeight
            self.view.frame = frame
    } else {
        UIView.animateWithDuration(duration, animations: { () -> Void in
            var frame = self.view.frame
            frame.size.height = frame.size.height + keyboardHeight
            self.view.frame = frame

Author: Simpa,
Warning: date(): Invalid date.timezone value 'Europe/Kyiv', we selected the timezone 'UTC' for now. in /var/www/agent_stack/data/www/ on line 54
2015-05-24 14:06:25

Oto moja wersja rozwiązania dla Swift 2.2:

Pierwsza rejestracja dla powiadomień Pokaż/ukryj klawiaturę

                                                 selector: #selector(MessageThreadVC.keyboardWillShow(_:)),
                                                 name: UIKeyboardWillShowNotification,
                                                 object: nil)
                                                 selector: #selector(MessageThreadVC.keyboardWillHide(_:)),
                                                 name: UIKeyboardWillHideNotification,
                                                 object: nil)

Następnie w methods coresponding dla tych powiadomień przesuń główny widok w górę lub w dół

func keyboardWillShow(sender: NSNotification) {
if let keyboardSize = (sender.userInfo?[UIKeyboardFrameEndUserInfoKey] as? NSValue)?.CGRectValue() {
  self.view.frame.origin.y = -keyboardSize.height

func keyboardWillHide(sender: NSNotification) {
self.view.frame.origin.y = 0

Sztuczka jest w części "keyboardWillShow", która pobiera połączenia za każdym razem, gdy" QuickType Suggestion Bar " jest rozwijany lub zwinięty. Wtedy zawsze ustawiamy współrzędną Y głównego widoku, która jest równa ujemnej wartości całkowitej wysokości klawiatury (z lub bez Część" QuickType bar").

Na końcu nie zapomnij usunąć obserwatorów

deinit {
Author: Pavle Mijatovic,
Warning: date(): Invalid date.timezone value 'Europe/Kyiv', we selected the timezone 'UTC' for now. in /var/www/agent_stack/data/www/ on line 54
2016-04-12 13:33:51

Poniżej przedstawiono proste rozwiązanie, w którym pole tekstowe ma ograniczenie związane z dolnym przewodnikiem układu. Po prostu dodaje wysokość klawiatury do stałej ograniczenia.

// This constraint ties the text field to the bottom layout guide
@IBOutlet var textFieldToBottomLayoutGuideConstraint: NSLayoutConstraint!

override func viewDidLoad() {

    NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserver(self, selector: "keyboardWillShow:", name:UIKeyboardWillShowNotification, object: nil);
    NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserver(self, selector: "keyboardWillHide:", name:UIKeyboardWillHideNotification, object: nil);

func keyboardWillShow(sender: NSNotification) {
    if let keyboardSize = (sender.userInfo?[UIKeyboardFrameBeginUserInfoKey] as? NSValue)?.CGRectValue() {
        self.textFieldToBottomLayoutGuideConstraint?.constant += keyboardSize.height

func keyboardWillHide(sender: NSNotification) {
    if let keyboardSize = (sender.userInfo?[UIKeyboardFrameBeginUserInfoKey] as? NSValue)?.CGRectValue() {
        self.textFieldToBottomLayoutGuideConstraint?.constant -= keyboardSize.height
Author: echessa,
Warning: date(): Invalid date.timezone value 'Europe/Kyiv', we selected the timezone 'UTC' for now. in /var/www/agent_stack/data/www/ on line 54
2015-03-23 11:03:44

Cóż, myślę, że może być za późno, ale znalazłem inną prostą wersję odpowiedzi Saqiba. Używam Autolayout z ograniczeniami. Mam mały widok wewnątrz innego widoku głównego z polami nazwy użytkownika i hasła. Zamiast zmieniać współrzędną y widoku zapisuję oryginalną wartość ograniczenia w zmiennej i zmieniam stałą ograniczenia na jakąś wartość i ponownie po odrzuceniu klawiatury, konfiguruję ograniczenie na oryginalną. W ten sposób unika się problemu Odpowiedź Saqib ma, (widok utrzymuje się w górę i nie zatrzymuje się). Poniżej znajduje się mój kod...

override func viewDidLoad() {
    NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserver(self, selector: Selector("keyboardWillShow:"), name:UIKeyboardWillShowNotification, object: nil);
    NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserver(self, selector: Selector("keyboardWillHide:"), name:UIKeyboardWillHideNotification, object: nil);
    self.originalConstraint = self.centerYConstraint.constant

  func keyboardWillShow(sender: NSNotification) {
    self.centerYConstraint.constant += 30

  func keyboardWillHide(sender: NSNotification) {
    self.centerYConstraint.constant = self.originalConstraint
Author: Sashi,
Warning: date(): Invalid date.timezone value 'Europe/Kyiv', we selected the timezone 'UTC' for now. in /var/www/agent_stack/data/www/ on line 54
2015-04-15 21:16:52

Możesz użyć tej biblioteki i tylko jeden wiersz kodu w appDidFinishedLaunching i u są gotowe..

func application(application: UIApplication,didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [NSObject: AnyObject]?) -> Bool {

    IQKeyboardManager.sharedManager().enable = true
    return true

IQKeyboardManager-Dostosuj widok za każdym razem, gdy pojawi się klawiatura link -

Author: Abdul Karim,
Warning: date(): Invalid date.timezone value 'Europe/Kyiv', we selected the timezone 'UTC' for now. in /var/www/agent_stack/data/www/ on line 54
2015-12-16 06:17:41

Pracuję z swift 4 i rozwiązałem ten problem bez użycia dodatkowego ograniczenia dolnego spójrz mój kod jest tutaj.its really working on my case

1) Add Notification Observer in did load

override func viewDidLoad() {
        // Do any additional setup after loading the view.
        NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(self.keyboardWillShow), name: NSNotification.Name.UIKeyboardWillShow, object: nil)
        NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(self.keyboardWillHide), name: NSNotification.Name.UIKeyboardWillHide, object: nil)

2) Usuń Notification Observer jak

deinit {

3) Dodaj klawiaturę Pokaż / Ukryj metody jak

 @objc func keyboardWillShow(notification: NSNotification) {
            if let keyboardSize = (notification.userInfo?[UIKeyboardFrameBeginUserInfoKey] as? NSValue)?.cgRectValue {
                UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.1, animations: { () -> Void in
                    self.view.frame.origin.y -= keyboardSize.height

@objc func keyboardWillHide(notification: NSNotification) {
        if let keyboardSize = (notification.userInfo?[UIKeyboardFrameBeginUserInfoKey] as? NSValue)?.cgRectValue {
            UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.1, animations: { () -> Void in
                self.view.frame.origin.y += keyboardSize.height

4) Add textfeild delegate and add touchesBegan methods .przydatny do ukrycia klawiatury, gdy dotknij poza tekstem na ekranie

override func touchesBegan(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event: UIEvent?) {

Author: pansora abhay,
Warning: date(): Invalid date.timezone value 'Europe/Kyiv', we selected the timezone 'UTC' for now. in /var/www/agent_stack/data/www/ on line 54
2018-03-30 12:01:30

Użyłem tego samouczka, aby przesunąć pole tekstowe nad klawiaturą. Kod jest czysty i nie jest błędny.


Author: Ahmed Elazab,
Warning: date(): Invalid date.timezone value 'Europe/Kyiv', we selected the timezone 'UTC' for now. in /var/www/agent_stack/data/www/ on line 54
2014-12-03 20:05:55

Zrobiłem w następujący sposób:

Jest to przydatne, gdy textfield superview jest view

class AdminLoginViewController: UIViewController,

    @IBOutlet weak var txtUserName: UITextField!
    @IBOutlet weak var txtUserPassword: UITextField!
    @IBOutlet weak var btnAdminLogin: UIButton!

    private var activeField : UIView?

    var param:String!
    var adminUser : Admin? = nil
    var kbHeight: CGFloat!

    override func viewDidLoad()

    override func viewWillDisappear(animated: Bool) {
    override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {

    func addGestureForHideKeyBoard()
        let tapGesture = UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: Selector("hideKeyboard"))
        tapGesture.cancelsTouchesInView = false

    func hideKeyboard() {

    func addKeyBoardObserver(){

        NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserver(self, selector: "willChangeKeyboardFrame:",
name:UIKeyboardWillShowNotification, object: nil)
        NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserver(self, selector: "willChangeKeyboardFrame:",
name:UIKeyboardWillHideNotification, object: nil)

    func removeObserver(){

    //MARK:- textfiled Delegate

    func textFieldShouldBeginEditing(textField: UITextField) -> Bool
         activeField = textField

        return true
    func textFieldShouldEndEditing(textField: UITextField) -> Bool
        if activeField == textField
            activeField = nil

        return true

    func textFieldShouldReturn(textField: UITextField) -> Bool {

        if txtUserName == textField
        else if (textField == txtUserPassword)
        return true;

    func willChangeKeyboardFrame(aNotification : NSNotification)
       if self.activeField != nil && self.activeField!.isFirstResponder()
        if let keyboardSize =  (aNotification.userInfo![UIKeyboardFrameBeginUserInfoKey] as? NSValue)?.CGRectValue()
            let dy = (self.activeField?.superview?.convertRect((self.activeField?.frame)!, toView: view).origin.y)!

            let height = (self.view.frame.size.height - keyboardSize.size.height)

            if dy > height
                var frame = self.view.frame

                frame.origin.y = -((dy - height) + (self.activeField?.frame.size.height)! + 20)

                self.view.frame = frame
        var frame = self.view.frame
        frame.origin.y = 0
        self.view.frame = frame
    } }
Author: Krishna Gawade,
Warning: date(): Invalid date.timezone value 'Europe/Kyiv', we selected the timezone 'UTC' for now. in /var/www/agent_stack/data/www/ on line 54
2015-12-16 06:00:22
 func registerForKeyboardNotifications()
        NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserver(self, selector: #selector(keyboardWasShown), name: UIKeyboardDidShowNotification, object: nil)
        NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserver(self, selector: #selector(keyboardWillBeHidden), name: UIKeyboardDidHideNotification, object: nil)

    func deregisterFromKeyboardNotifications(){

        NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().removeObserver(self, name: UIKeyboardWillShowNotification, object: nil)
        NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().removeObserver(self, name: UIKeyboardWillHideNotification, object: nil)

    func keyboardWasShown(notification: NSNotification){

        let userInfo: NSDictionary = notification.userInfo!
        let keyboardInfoFrame = userInfo.objectForKey(UIKeyboardFrameEndUserInfoKey)?.CGRectValue()

        let windowFrame:CGRect = (UIApplication.sharedApplication().keyWindow!.convertRect(self.view.frame, fromView:self.view))

        let keyboardFrame = CGRectIntersection(windowFrame, keyboardInfoFrame!)

        let coveredFrame = UIApplication.sharedApplication().keyWindow!.convertRect(keyboardFrame, toView:self.view)

        let contentInsets = UIEdgeInsetsMake(0, 0, (coveredFrame.size.height), 0.0)
        self.scrollViewInAddCase .contentInset = contentInsets;
        self.scrollViewInAddCase.scrollIndicatorInsets = contentInsets;
        self.scrollViewInAddCase.contentSize = CGSizeMake((self.scrollViewInAddCase.contentSize.width), (self.scrollViewInAddCase.contentSize.height))

     this method will fire when keyboard was hidden

     - parameter notification: contains keyboard details
    func keyboardWillBeHidden (notification: NSNotification) {

        self.scrollViewInAddCase.contentInset = UIEdgeInsetsZero
        self.scrollViewInAddCase.scrollIndicatorInsets = UIEdgeInsetsZero

Author: Kamalkumar.E,
Warning: date(): Invalid date.timezone value 'Europe/Kyiv', we selected the timezone 'UTC' for now. in /var/www/agent_stack/data/www/ on line 54
2016-08-16 13:02:57

Zrobiłem w następujący sposób:

class SignInController: UIViewController , UITextFieldDelegate {

@IBOutlet weak var scrollView: UIScrollView!

// outlet declartion
@IBOutlet weak var signInTextView: UITextField!

var kbHeight: CGFloat!

* @method viewDidLoad

override func viewDidLoad() {

    self.signInTextView.delegate = self

}// end viewDidLoad

* @method viewWillAppear

override func viewWillAppear(animated: Bool) {

    NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserver(self, selector: Selector("keyboardWillShow:"), name: UIKeyboardWillShowNotification, object: nil)

    NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserver(self, selector: Selector("keyboardWillHide:"), name: UIKeyboardWillHideNotification, object: nil)

}// end viewWillAppear

* @method viewDidAppear

override func viewDidAppear(animated: Bool) {

}// end viewDidAppear

* @method viewWillDisappear
override func viewWillDisappear(animated: Bool) {

* @method textFieldShouldReturn
* retun the keyboard value

// MARK -
func textFieldShouldReturn(textField: UITextField) -> Bool {
    return true;

}// end textFieldShouldReturn

// MARK - keyboardWillShow
func keyboardWillShow(notification: NSNotification) {
    if let userInfo = notification.userInfo {
        if let keyboardSize =  (userInfo[UIKeyboardFrameBeginUserInfoKey] as? NSValue)?.CGRectValue() {
            kbHeight = keyboardSize.height
}// end keyboardWillShow

// MARK - keyboardWillHide
func keyboardWillHide(notification: NSNotification) {
}// end keyboardWillHide

// MARK - animateTextField
func animateTextField(up: Bool) {
    var movement = (up ? -kbHeight : kbHeight)

    UIView.animateWithDuration(0.3, animations: {
        self.view.frame = CGRectOffset(self.view.frame, 0, movement)
}// end animateTextField

* @method didReceiveMemoryWarning

override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
    // Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.

}// end didReceiveMemoryWarning

}// end SignInController
Author: Vinod Joshi,
Warning: date(): Invalid date.timezone value 'Europe/Kyiv', we selected the timezone 'UTC' for now. in /var/www/agent_stack/data/www/ on line 54
2015-07-08 11:56:19

Jeśli jesteś taki jak ja, który wypróbował wszystkie powyższe rozwiązania i nadal twój problem nie jest rozwiązany, mam dla Ciebie świetne rozwiązanie, które działa jak urok. Najpierw chcę wyjaśnić kilka rzeczy na temat niektórych rozwiązań wymienionych powyżej.

  1. w moim przypadku IQkeyboardmanager działał tylko wtedy, gdy nie zastosowano automatycznego układu na elementach, jeśli zostanie zastosowany, to iqkeyboard manager nie będzie działał tak, jak myślimy.
  2. to samo z ruchem w górę siebie.widok.
  3. mam wriiten nagłówek objective c z szybkim wsparciem dla przesuwania UITexfield w górę, gdy użytkownik kliknie na niego, rozwiązując problem klawiatury pokrywającej UITextfield : .
  4. [3]}osoba, która ma średni lub wyższy poziom w tworzeniu aplikacji na iOS, może łatwo zrozumieć repozytorium i wdrożyć je. Wszystkiego najlepszego
Author: Vasanth,
Warning: date(): Invalid date.timezone value 'Europe/Kyiv', we selected the timezone 'UTC' for now. in /var/www/agent_stack/data/www/ on line 54
2017-06-08 11:28:21

Zmodyfikowałem trochę rozwiązanie @ Simpa.........

override func viewDidLoad() 

    NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserver(self, selector: Selector("makeSpaceForKeyboard:"), name:UIKeyboardWillShowNotification, object: nil);
    NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserver(self, selector: Selector("makeSpaceForKeyboard:"), name:UIKeyboardWillHideNotification, object: nil);


var keyboardIsVisible = false
override func makeSpaceForKeyboard(notification: NSNotification) {

    let info = notification.userInfo!
    let keyboardHeight:CGFloat = (info[UIKeyboardFrameEndUserInfoKey] as! NSValue).CGRectValue().size.height
    let duration:Double = info[UIKeyboardAnimationDurationUserInfoKey] as! Double

    if == UIKeyboardWillShowNotification && keyboardIsVisible == false{

        keyboardIsVisible = true

        UIView.animateWithDuration(duration, animations: { () -> Void in
            var frame = self.view.frame
            frame.size.height = frame.size.height - keyboardHeight
            self.view.frame = frame

    } else if keyboardIsVisible == true && == UIKeyboardWillShowNotification{

    }else {
        keyboardIsVisible = false

        UIView.animateWithDuration(duration, animations: { () -> Void in
            var frame = self.view.frame
            frame.size.height = frame.size.height + keyboardHeight
            self.view.frame = frame
Author: Cloy,
Warning: date(): Invalid date.timezone value 'Europe/Kyiv', we selected the timezone 'UTC' for now. in /var/www/agent_stack/data/www/ on line 54
2016-04-13 09:05:02

Żaden z nich nie działał i skończyło się na użyciu wstawek zawartości, aby przenieść mój widok w górę, gdy pojawi się klawiatura.

Uwaga: używałem UITableView

Referred solution @ keyboard-content-offset który został w całości napisany w objective C, poniższym rozwiązaniem jest clean Swift.

Dodaj notification observer @ viewDidLoad ()

NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserver(self, selector: #selector(yourClass.keyboardWillBeShown), name:UIKeyboardWillShowNotification, object: nil);
NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserver(self, selector: #selector(yourClass.keyboardWillBeHidden), name:UIKeyboardWillHideNotification, object: nil);

Aby uzyskać rozmiar klawiatury, najpierw otrzymujemy słownik userInfo z obiektu notification, który przechowuje wszelkie dodatkowe obiekty, z których może korzystać nasz odbiornik.

Z tego słownika możemy uzyskać obiekt cgrect opisujący ramkę klawiatury za pomocą klawisza UIKeyboardFrameBeginUserInfoKey.

Zastosuj wstawkę zawartości dla metody table view @ keyboardWillBeShown,

func keyboardWillBeShown(sender: NSNotification)
    // Move the table view

    if let keyboardSize = (sender.userInfo?[UIKeyboardFrameEndUserInfoKey] as? NSValue)?.CGRectValue()
        let contentInsets = UIEdgeInsetsMake(0.0, 0.0, (keyboardSize.height), 0.0);

        yourTableView.contentInset = contentInsets;

        yourTableView.scrollIndicatorInsets = contentInsets;

Przywróć metodę view @ keyboardWillBeHidden

func keyboardWillBeHidden(sender: NSNotification)
    // Moving back the table view back to the default position

    yourTableView.contentInset = UIEdgeInsetsZero;

    yourTableView.scrollIndicatorInsets = UIEdgeInsetsZero;

Jeśli chcesz również uwzględnić orientację urządzenia, użyj instrukcji warunkowych, aby dostosować kod do swojego potrzeb.

// Portrait
UIEdgeInsetsMake(0.0, 0.0, (keyboardSize.height), 0.0);

// Landscape
UIEdgeInsetsMake(0.0, 0.0, (keyboardSize.width), 0.0);
Author: Vikram Ezhil,
Warning: date(): Invalid date.timezone value 'Europe/Kyiv', we selected the timezone 'UTC' for now. in /var/www/agent_stack/data/www/ on line 54
2016-08-11 19:08:37
override func viewDidLoad() {
    // Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.

    NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(ViewController.keyboardWillShow), name: NSNotification.Name.UIKeyboardWillShow, object: nil)
    NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(ViewController.keyboardWillHide), name: NSNotification.Name.UIKeyboardWillHide, object: nil)

func keyboardWillShow(_ notification:Notification) {
    if let keyboardSize = (notification.userInfo?[UIKeyboardFrameBeginUserInfoKey] as? NSValue)?.cgRectValue {
        tableView.contentInset = UIEdgeInsetsMake(0, 0, keyboardSize.height, 0)

func keyboardWillHide(_ notification:Notification) {
    if let keyboardSize = (notification.userInfo?[UIKeyboardFrameBeginUserInfoKey] as? NSValue)?.cgRectValue {
        tableView.contentInset = UIEdgeInsetsMake(0, 0, 0, 0)

Tutaj wpisz opis obrazka

Author: Zany,
Warning: date(): Invalid date.timezone value 'Europe/Kyiv', we selected the timezone 'UTC' for now. in /var/www/agent_stack/data/www/ on line 54
2018-02-28 13:47:30

Rozwiązanie Swift 4, którego używam, ma rozmiar klawiatury. Zastąp serverStatusStackView dowolnym widokiem, na którym ci zależy, np.: self.view:

deinit {

@objc func keyboardWillShow(notification: NSNotification) {
    if let keyboardSize = (notification.userInfo?[UIKeyboardFrameBeginUserInfoKey] as? NSValue)?.cgRectValue {
        serverStatusStackView.frame.origin.y = keyboardSize.height * 2 - serverStatusStackView.frame.height

@objc func keyboardWillHide(notification: NSNotification) {
    if let keyboardSize = (notification.userInfo?[UIKeyboardFrameBeginUserInfoKey] as? NSValue)?.cgRectValue {
        serverStatusStackView.frame.origin.y += keyboardSize.height

override func viewDidLoad() {
    NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(keyboardWillShow(notification:)), name: NSNotification.Name.UIKeyboardWillShow, object: nil)

    NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(keyboardWillHide(notification:)), name: NSNotification.Name.UIKeyboardWillHide, object: nil)
Author: A T,
Warning: date(): Invalid date.timezone value 'Europe/Kyiv', we selected the timezone 'UTC' for now. in /var/www/agent_stack/data/www/ on line 54
2018-03-15 05:58:58

Najlepszym sposobem jest użycie NotificationCenter do przechwytywania akcji klawiatury. Możesz wykonać kroki opisane w tym krótkim artykule

Author: Yusuf Demirci,
Warning: date(): Invalid date.timezone value 'Europe/Kyiv', we selected the timezone 'UTC' for now. in /var/www/agent_stack/data/www/ on line 54
2018-04-06 08:34:58

W Swift 4.0 -

func textFieldDidBeginEditing(_ textField: UITextField) {
        animateViewMoving(up: true, moveValue: 100)

    func textFieldDidEndEditing(_ textField: UITextField) {
        animateViewMoving(up: false, moveValue: 100)
    func animateViewMoving (up:Bool, moveValue :CGFloat){
        let movementDuration:TimeInterval = 0.3
        let movement:CGFloat = ( up ? -moveValue : moveValue)
        UIView.beginAnimations( "animateView", context: nil)
        UIView.setAnimationDuration(movementDuration ) 
        self.view.frame = self.view.frame.offsetBy(dx: 0, dy: movement)
Author: Abhishek Mishra,
Warning: date(): Invalid date.timezone value 'Europe/Kyiv', we selected the timezone 'UTC' for now. in /var/www/agent_stack/data/www/ on line 54
2018-05-07 06:38:37

Swift 4.1,

Użyj klasy TPKeyBoardAvoiding, aby to osiągnąć. To działa dobrze z UIScrollView, UICollectionView, UITableView .

Po prostu Przypisz tę klasę do scrollview, collectionview lub tableview w storyboard lub utwórz jej obiekt programowo. Wszystkie pola tekstowe lub widoki tekstowe wewnątrz TPKeyboardAvoiding scrollview zostaną automatycznie dopasowane, gdy pojawi się i zniknie klawiatura.

Oto link do Tpkeyboardavoid

TPKeyboardAvoiding dla Swift 4.1,

import Foundation
import UIKit

// MARK: - TableView
class TPKeyboardAvoidingTableView:UITableView,UITextFieldDelegate, UITextViewDelegate {

    override var frame:CGRect{
            super.frame = frame

            if hasAutomaticKeyboardAvoidingBehaviour() {return}

    override var contentSize:CGSize{
            if hasAutomaticKeyboardAvoidingBehaviour() {
                super.contentSize = newValue

            if newValue.equalTo(self.contentSize)

            super.contentSize = newValue

        //        didSet{
        //            self.TPKeyboardAvoiding_updateContentInset()
        //        }

    override init(frame: CGRect, style: UITableViewStyle) {
        super.init(frame: frame, style: style)

    required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
        super.init(coder: aDecoder)

    override func awakeFromNib() {


    func hasAutomaticKeyboardAvoidingBehaviour()->Bool
        if #available(iOS 8.3, *) {
            if self.delegate is UITableViewController
                return true

        return false

    func focusNextTextField()->Bool
        return self.TPKeyboardAvoiding_focusNextTextField()

    @objc func scrollToActiveTextField()
        return self.TPKeyboardAvoiding_scrollToActiveTextField()

    override func willMove(toSuperview newSuperview: UIView?) {
        super.willMove(toSuperview: newSuperview)
        if newSuperview != nil {
            NSObject.cancelPreviousPerformRequests(withTarget: self, selector: #selector(TPKeyboardAvoiding_assignTextDelegateForViewsBeneathView(_:)), object: self)

    override func touchesEnded(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event: UIEvent?) {
        super.touchesEnded(touches, with: event)

    func textFieldShouldReturn(_ textField: UITextField) -> Bool {
        if !self.focusNextTextField()
        return true

    override func layoutSubviews() {
        NSObject.cancelPreviousPerformRequests(withTarget: self, selector: #selector(TPKeyboardAvoiding_assignTextDelegateForViewsBeneathView(_:)), object: self)

        Timer.scheduledTimer(timeInterval: 0.1, target: self, selector: #selector(TPKeyboardAvoiding_assignTextDelegateForViewsBeneathView(_:)), userInfo: nil, repeats: false)

private extension TPKeyboardAvoidingTableView
    func setup()
        if self.hasAutomaticKeyboardAvoidingBehaviour() { return }

                                               selector: #selector(TPKeyboardAvoiding_keyboardWillShow(_:)),
                                               name: NSNotification.Name.UIKeyboardWillChangeFrame,
                                               object: nil)

                                               selector: #selector(TPKeyboardAvoiding_keyboardWillHide(_:)),
                                               name: NSNotification.Name.UIKeyboardWillHide,
                                               object: nil)

                                               selector: #selector(scrollToActiveTextField),
                                               name: NSNotification.Name.UITextViewTextDidBeginEditing,
                                               object: nil)

                                               selector: #selector(scrollToActiveTextField),
                                               name: NSNotification.Name.UITextFieldTextDidBeginEditing,
                                               object: nil)

// MARK: - CollectionView
class TPKeyboardAvoidingCollectionView:UICollectionView,UITextViewDelegate {

    override var contentSize:CGSize{
            if newValue.equalTo(self.contentSize)

            super.contentSize = newValue

        //        didSet{
        //            self.TPKeyboardAvoiding_updateContentInset()
        //        }

    override var frame:CGRect{
            super.frame = frame


    //    override init(frame: CGRect) {
    //        super.init(frame: frame)
    //    }

    override init(frame: CGRect, collectionViewLayout layout: UICollectionViewLayout) {
        super.init(frame: frame, collectionViewLayout: layout)

    required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
        //        fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")
        super.init(coder: aDecoder)


    override func awakeFromNib() {


    func focusNextTextField()->Bool
        return self.TPKeyboardAvoiding_focusNextTextField()

    @objc func scrollToActiveTextField()
        return self.TPKeyboardAvoiding_scrollToActiveTextField()

    override func willMove(toSuperview newSuperview: UIView?) {
        super.willMove(toSuperview: newSuperview)
        if newSuperview != nil {
            NSObject.cancelPreviousPerformRequests(withTarget: self, selector: #selector(TPKeyboardAvoiding_assignTextDelegateForViewsBeneathView(_:)), object: self)

    override func touchesEnded(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event: UIEvent?) {
        super.touchesEnded(touches, with: event)

    func textFieldShouldReturn(_ textField: UITextField) -> Bool {
        if !self.focusNextTextField()
        return true

    override func layoutSubviews() {
        NSObject.cancelPreviousPerformRequests(withTarget: self, selector: #selector(TPKeyboardAvoiding_assignTextDelegateForViewsBeneathView(_:)), object: self)

        Timer.scheduledTimer(timeInterval: 0.1, target: self, selector: #selector(TPKeyboardAvoiding_assignTextDelegateForViewsBeneathView(_:)), userInfo: nil, repeats: false)

private extension TPKeyboardAvoidingCollectionView
    func setup()
                                               selector: #selector(TPKeyboardAvoiding_keyboardWillShow(_:)),
                                               name: NSNotification.Name.UIKeyboardWillChangeFrame,
                                               object: nil)

                                               selector: #selector(TPKeyboardAvoiding_keyboardWillHide(_:)),
                                               name: NSNotification.Name.UIKeyboardWillHide,
                                               object: nil)

                                               selector: #selector(scrollToActiveTextField),
                                               name: NSNotification.Name.UITextViewTextDidBeginEditing,
                                               object: nil)

                                               selector: #selector(scrollToActiveTextField),
                                               name: NSNotification.Name.UITextFieldTextDidBeginEditing,
                                               object: nil)

// MARK: - ScrollView
class TPKeyboardAvoidingScrollView:UIScrollView,UITextFieldDelegate,UITextViewDelegate
    override var contentSize:CGSize{

    override var frame:CGRect{

    override init(frame: CGRect) {
        super.init(frame: frame)

    override func awakeFromNib() {

    func contentSizeToFit()
        self.contentSize = self.TPKeyboardAvoiding_calculatedContentSizeFromSubviewFrames()

    func focusNextTextField() ->Bool
        return self.TPKeyboardAvoiding_focusNextTextField()

    @objc func scrollToActiveTextField()
        return self.TPKeyboardAvoiding_scrollToActiveTextField()

    required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
        super.init(coder: aDecoder)


    override func willMove(toSuperview newSuperview: UIView?) {
        super.willMove(toSuperview: newSuperview)
        if newSuperview != nil {
            NSObject.cancelPreviousPerformRequests(withTarget: self, selector: #selector(TPKeyboardAvoiding_assignTextDelegateForViewsBeneathView(_:)), object: self)

    override func touchesEnded(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event: UIEvent?) {
        super.touchesEnded(touches, with: event)

    func textFieldShouldReturn(_ textField: UITextField) -> Bool {
        if !self.focusNextTextField()
        return true

    override func layoutSubviews() {
        NSObject.cancelPreviousPerformRequests(withTarget: self, selector: #selector(TPKeyboardAvoiding_assignTextDelegateForViewsBeneathView(_:)), object: self)

        Timer.scheduledTimer(timeInterval: 0.1, target: self, selector: #selector(TPKeyboardAvoiding_assignTextDelegateForViewsBeneathView(_:)), userInfo: nil, repeats: false)

private extension TPKeyboardAvoidingScrollView
    func setup()
                                               selector: #selector(TPKeyboardAvoiding_keyboardWillShow(_:)),
                                               name: NSNotification.Name.UIKeyboardWillChangeFrame,
                                               object: nil)

                                               selector: #selector(TPKeyboardAvoiding_keyboardWillHide(_:)),
                                               name: NSNotification.Name.UIKeyboardWillHide,
                                               object: nil)

                                               selector: #selector(scrollToActiveTextField),
                                               name: NSNotification.Name.UITextViewTextDidBeginEditing,
                                               object: nil)

                                               selector: #selector(scrollToActiveTextField),
                                               name: NSNotification.Name.UITextFieldTextDidBeginEditing,
                                               object: nil)

// MARK: - Process Event
let kCalculatedContentPadding:CGFloat = 10;
let kMinimumScrollOffsetPadding:CGFloat = 20;

extension UIScrollView
    @objc func TPKeyboardAvoiding_keyboardWillShow(_ notification:Notification)
        guard let userInfo = notification.userInfo else { return }
        guard let rectNotification = notification.userInfo?[UIKeyboardFrameEndUserInfoKey] as? NSValue else

        let keyboardRect = self.convert(rectNotification.cgRectValue , from: nil)
        if keyboardRect.isEmpty

        let state = self.keyboardAvoidingState()

        guard let firstResponder = self.TPKeyboardAvoiding_findFirstResponderBeneathView(self) else { return}
        state.keyboardRect = keyboardRect
        if !state.keyboardVisible
            state.priorInset = self.contentInset
            state.priorScrollIndicatorInsets = self.scrollIndicatorInsets
            state.priorPagingEnabled = self.isPagingEnabled

        state.keyboardVisible = true
        self.isPagingEnabled = false

        if self is TPKeyboardAvoidingScrollView
            state.priorContentSize = self.contentSize
            if self.contentSize.equalTo(
                self.contentSize = self.TPKeyboardAvoiding_calculatedContentSizeFromSubviewFrames()

        let duration = userInfo[UIKeyboardAnimationDurationUserInfoKey] as? Float ?? 0.0
        let curve = userInfo[UIKeyboardAnimationCurveUserInfoKey] as? Int ?? 0
        let options = UIViewAnimationOptions(rawValue: UInt(curve))

        UIView.animate(withDuration: TimeInterval(duration),
                       delay: 0,
                       options: options,
                       animations: { [weak self]() -> Void in
                        if let actualSelf = self
                            actualSelf.contentInset = actualSelf.TPKeyboardAvoiding_contentInsetForKeyboard()
                            let viewableHeight = actualSelf.bounds.size.height - - actualSelf.contentInset.bottom
                            let point = CGPoint(x: actualSelf.contentOffset.x, y: actualSelf.TPKeyboardAvoiding_idealOffsetForView(firstResponder, viewAreaHeight: viewableHeight))
                            actualSelf.setContentOffset(point, animated: false)

                            actualSelf.scrollIndicatorInsets = actualSelf.contentInset

        }) { (finished) -> Void in


    @objc func TPKeyboardAvoiding_keyboardWillHide(_ notification:Notification)
        guard let userInfo = notification.userInfo else { return }

        guard let rectNotification = userInfo[UIKeyboardFrameEndUserInfoKey] as? NSValue else
        let keyboardRect = self.convert(rectNotification.cgRectValue , from: nil)
        if keyboardRect.isEmpty
        let state = self.keyboardAvoidingState()

        if !state.keyboardVisible
        state.keyboardRect =
        state.keyboardVisible = false

        let duration = userInfo[UIKeyboardAnimationDurationUserInfoKey] as? Float ?? 0.0
        let curve = userInfo[UIKeyboardAnimationCurveUserInfoKey] as? Int ?? 0
        let options = UIViewAnimationOptions(rawValue: UInt(curve))

        UIView.animate(withDuration: TimeInterval(duration),
                       delay: 0,
                       options: options,
                       animations: { [weak self]() -> Void in
                        if let actualSelf = self
                            if actualSelf is TPKeyboardAvoidingScrollView {
                                actualSelf.contentSize = state.priorContentSize
                                actualSelf.contentInset = state.priorInset
                                actualSelf.scrollIndicatorInsets = state.priorScrollIndicatorInsets
                                actualSelf.isPagingEnabled = state.priorPagingEnabled

        }) { (finished) -> Void in


    func TPKeyboardAvoiding_updateFromContentSizeChange()
        let state = self.keyboardAvoidingState()
        if state.keyboardVisible
            state.priorContentSize = self.contentSize

    func TPKeyboardAvoiding_focusNextTextField() ->Bool
        guard let firstResponder = self.TPKeyboardAvoiding_findFirstResponderBeneathView(self) else { return false}
        guard let view = self.TPKeyboardAvoiding_findNextInputViewAfterView(firstResponder, beneathView: self) else { return false}
        Timer.scheduledTimer(timeInterval: 0.1, target: view, selector: #selector(becomeFirstResponder), userInfo: nil, repeats: false)

        return true


    func TPKeyboardAvoiding_scrollToActiveTextField()
        let state = self.keyboardAvoidingState()

        if !state.keyboardVisible { return }

        let visibleSpace = self.bounds.size.height - - self.contentInset.bottom

        let idealOffset = CGPoint(x: 0,
                                  y: self.TPKeyboardAvoiding_idealOffsetForView(self.TPKeyboardAvoiding_findFirstResponderBeneathView(self),
                                                                                viewAreaHeight: visibleSpace))

        DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: + Double((Int64)(0 * NSEC_PER_SEC)) / Double(NSEC_PER_SEC)) {[weak self] () -> Void in
            self?.setContentOffset(idealOffset, animated: true)

    func TPKeyboardAvoiding_findFirstResponderBeneathView(_ view:UIView) -> UIView?
        for childView in view.subviews
            if childView.responds(to: #selector(getter: isFirstResponder)) && childView.isFirstResponder
                return childView
            let result = TPKeyboardAvoiding_findFirstResponderBeneathView(childView)
            if result != nil
                return result
        return nil

    func TPKeyboardAvoiding_updateContentInset()
        let state = self.keyboardAvoidingState()
        if state.keyboardVisible
            self.contentInset = self.TPKeyboardAvoiding_contentInsetForKeyboard()

    func TPKeyboardAvoiding_calculatedContentSizeFromSubviewFrames() ->CGSize
        let wasShowingVerticalScrollIndicator = self.showsVerticalScrollIndicator
        let wasShowingHorizontalScrollIndicator = self.showsHorizontalScrollIndicator

        self.showsVerticalScrollIndicator = false
        self.showsHorizontalScrollIndicator = false

        var rect =

        for view in self.subviews
            rect = rect.union(view.frame)

        rect.size.height += kCalculatedContentPadding
        self.showsVerticalScrollIndicator = wasShowingVerticalScrollIndicator
        self.showsHorizontalScrollIndicator = wasShowingHorizontalScrollIndicator

        return rect.size

    func TPKeyboardAvoiding_idealOffsetForView(_ view:UIView?,viewAreaHeight:CGFloat) -> CGFloat
        let contentSize = self.contentSize

        var offset:CGFloat = 0.0
        let subviewRect =  view != nil ? view!.convert(view!.bounds, to: self) :

        var padding = (viewAreaHeight - subviewRect.height)/2
        if padding < kMinimumScrollOffsetPadding
            padding = kMinimumScrollOffsetPadding

        offset = subviewRect.origin.y - padding -

        if offset > (contentSize.height - viewAreaHeight)
            offset = contentSize.height - viewAreaHeight

        if offset <
            offset =

        return offset

    func TPKeyboardAvoiding_contentInsetForKeyboard() -> UIEdgeInsets
        let state = self.keyboardAvoidingState()
        var newInset = self.contentInset;

        let keyboardRect = state.keyboardRect
        newInset.bottom = keyboardRect.size.height - max(keyboardRect.maxY - self.bounds.maxY, 0)

        return newInset


    func TPKeyboardAvoiding_viewIsValidKeyViewCandidate(_ view:UIView)->Bool
        if view.isHidden || !view.isUserInteractionEnabled {return false}

        if view is UITextField
            if (view as! UITextField).isEnabled {return true}

        if view is UITextView
            if (view as! UITextView).isEditable {return true}

        return false

    func TPKeyboardAvoiding_findNextInputViewAfterView(_ priorView:UIView,beneathView view:UIView, candidateView bestCandidate: inout UIView?)
        let priorFrame = self.convert(priorView.frame, to: priorView.superview)
        let candidateFrame = bestCandidate == nil ? : self.convert(bestCandidate!.frame, to: bestCandidate!.superview)

        var bestCandidateHeuristic = -sqrt(candidateFrame.origin.x*candidateFrame.origin.x + candidateFrame.origin.y*candidateFrame.origin.y) + ( Float(fabs(candidateFrame.minY - priorFrame.minY))<Float.ulpOfOne ? 1e6 : 0)

        for childView in view.subviews
            if TPKeyboardAvoiding_viewIsValidKeyViewCandidate(childView)
                let frame = self.convert(childView.frame, to: view)
                let heuristic = -sqrt(frame.origin.x*frame.origin.x + frame.origin.y*frame.origin.y)
                    + (Float(fabs(frame.minY - priorFrame.minY)) < Float.ulpOfOne ? 1e6 : 0)

                if childView != priorView && (Float(fabs(frame.minY - priorFrame.minY)) < Float.ulpOfOne
                    && frame.minX > priorFrame.minX
                    || frame.minY > priorFrame.minY)
                    && (bestCandidate == nil || heuristic > bestCandidateHeuristic)
                    bestCandidate = childView
                    bestCandidateHeuristic = heuristic
                self.TPKeyboardAvoiding_findNextInputViewAfterView(priorView, beneathView: view, candidateView: &bestCandidate)

    func TPKeyboardAvoiding_findNextInputViewAfterView(_ priorView:UIView,beneathView view:UIView) ->UIView?
        var candidate:UIView?
        self.TPKeyboardAvoiding_findNextInputViewAfterView(priorView, beneathView: view, candidateView: &candidate)
        return candidate

    @objc func TPKeyboardAvoiding_assignTextDelegateForViewsBeneathView(_ obj: AnyObject)
        func processWithView(_ view: UIView) {
            for childView in view.subviews
                if childView is UITextField || childView is UITextView

        if let timer = obj as? Timer, let view = timer.userInfo as? UIView {
        else if let view = obj as? UIView {

    func TPKeyboardAvoiding_initializeView(_ view:UIView)
        if let textField = view as? UITextField,
            let delegate = self as? UITextFieldDelegate, textField.returnKeyType == UIReturnKeyType.default &&
            textField.delegate !== delegate
            textField.delegate = delegate
            let otherView = self.TPKeyboardAvoiding_findNextInputViewAfterView(view, beneathView: self)
            textField.returnKeyType = otherView != nil ? .next : .done


    func keyboardAvoidingState()->TPKeyboardAvoidingState
        var state = objc_getAssociatedObject(self, &AssociatedKeysKeyboard.DescriptiveName) as? TPKeyboardAvoidingState
        if state == nil
            state = TPKeyboardAvoidingState()
            self.state = state

        return self.state!


// MARK: - Internal object observer
internal class TPKeyboardAvoidingState:NSObject
    var priorInset =
    var priorScrollIndicatorInsets =

    var keyboardVisible = false
    var keyboardRect =
    var priorContentSize =

    var priorPagingEnabled = false

internal extension UIScrollView
    fileprivate struct AssociatedKeysKeyboard {
        static var DescriptiveName = "KeyBoard_DescriptiveName"

    var state:TPKeyboardAvoidingState?{
            let optionalObject:AnyObject? = objc_getAssociatedObject(self, &AssociatedKeysKeyboard.DescriptiveName) as AnyObject?
            if let object:AnyObject = optionalObject {
                return object as? TPKeyboardAvoidingState
            } else {
                return nil
            objc_setAssociatedObject(self, &AssociatedKeysKeyboard.DescriptiveName, newValue, objc_AssociationPolicy.OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC)
Author: Pramod More,
Warning: date(): Invalid date.timezone value 'Europe/Kyiv', we selected the timezone 'UTC' for now. in /var/www/agent_stack/data/www/ on line 54
2018-06-21 05:54:01

Jeśli nie masz nic przeciwko użyciu biblioteki Objective - C w swoim projekcie Swift, być może możesz użyć tego helpera . Jest to również przykład szybkiego użycia.

Author: yunhasnawa,
Warning: date(): Invalid date.timezone value 'Europe/Kyiv', we selected the timezone 'UTC' for now. in /var/www/agent_stack/data/www/ on line 54
2015-12-14 20:27:58