IE11 - czy istnieje polyfill / script dla zmiennych CSS?

Rozwijam stronę internetową w mieszanym środowisku przeglądarki internetowej (Chrome / IE11). IE11 nie obsługuje zmiennych CSS, czy istnieje jakiś polyfill lub skrypt, który pozwoliłby mi używać zmiennych CSS w IE11?

Author: R. StackUser, 2017-09-26

4 answers

Tak, tak długo, jak przetwarzasz właściwości niestandardowe na poziomie roota (IE9+).

Css-vars-ponyfill wykracza daleko poza to, co może obsłużyć codepen/polyfill wymieniony w innych odpowiedziach.



  • transformacja po stronie klienta niestandardowych właściwości CSS do wartości statycznych
  • [21]} aktualizacje na żywo wartości runtime zarówno w nowoczesnych, jak i starszych przeglądarkach
  • automatyczne aktualizacje na <link> i <style> zmiany
  • transformuje <link>, <style>, i @import CSS
  • przekształca shadow DOM <link> i <style> CSS
  • przekształca ścieżki względnego adresu url () na bezwzględne adresy URL
  • obsługuje łańcuszkowe odniesienia do właściwości niestandardowych
  • obsługuje wartości złożone
  • obsługuje wartości awaryjne
  • Dostępne moduły UMD i ES6
  • lekki (mniej niż 5K min+gzip) i bez zależności


  • Obsługa właściwości niestandardowych jest ograniczona do: deklaracji root
  • użycie var jest ograniczone do wartości właściwości (według W3C specification)

Oto kilka przykładów, z czym biblioteka może sobie poradzić:

Root-level custom właściwości

:root {
    --a: red;

p {
    color: var(--a);

Właściwości niestandardowe odniesienie do właściwości niestandardowych

:root {
    --a: var(--b);
    --b: var(--c);
    --c: red;

p {
    color: var(--a);

Wartości złożone z właściwościami niestandardowymi

:root {
    --a: 1em;
    --b: 2;

p {
    font-size: calc(var(--a) * var(--b));

Wartości awaryjne

p {
    font-size: var(--a, 1rem);
    color: var(--b, var(--c, var(--d, red))); 

Transforms <link>, <style>, i @import CSS

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/absolute/path/to/style.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../relative/path/to/style.css">

    @import "/absolute/path/to/style.css";
    @import "../relative/path/to/style.css";

Przekształca shadow DOM <link> i <style> CSS

(Custom property support for web components in legacy browsers.)

      .my-custom-element {
        color: var(--test-color);
    <div class="my-custom-element">Hello.</div>

Hope this pomaga.

(bezwstydna autopromocja: Sprawdź)

Author: jhildenbiddle,
Warning: date(): Invalid date.timezone value 'Europe/Kyiv', we selected the timezone 'UTC' for now. in /var/www/agent_stack/data/www/ on line 54
2018-09-30 00:04:13

+ 1 dla linku code-pen snippet w sekcji question comment above by [mam kode]. Jedną z rzeczy, które znalazłem, jest to, że fragment musi być nieco zmodyfikowany, aby deklaracje funkcji zdefiniowane w formacie JSON dla IE11 nie narzekać. Poniżej znajduje się nieco zmodyfikowana wersja kodu pen snippet:

let cssVarPoly = {
    init: function() {
        // first lets see if the browser supports CSS variables
        // No version of IE supports window.CSS.supports, so if that isn't supported in the first place we know CSS variables is not supported
        // Edge supports supports, so check for actual variable support
        if (window.CSS && window.CSS.supports && window.CSS.supports('(--foo: red)')) {
            // this browser does support variables, abort
            console.log('your browser supports CSS variables, aborting and letting the native support handle things.');
        } else {
            // edge barfs on console statements if the console is not open... lame!
            console.log('no support for you! polyfill all (some of) the things!!');

        cssVarPoly.ratifiedVars = {};
        cssVarPoly.varsByBlock = {};
        cssVarPoly.oldCSS = {};

        // start things off

    // find all the css blocks, save off the content, and look for variables
    findCSS: function() {
        let styleBlocks = document.querySelectorAll('style:not(.inserted),link[type="text/css"]');

        // we need to track the order of the style/link elements when we save off the CSS, set a counter
        let counter = 1;

        // loop through all CSS blocks looking for CSS variables being set
        [], function (block) {
            // console.log(block.nodeName);
            let theCSS;
            if (block.nodeName === 'STYLE') {
                // console.log("style");
                theCSS = block.innerHTML;
                cssVarPoly.findSetters(theCSS, counter);
            } else if (block.nodeName === 'LINK') {
                // console.log("link");
                cssVarPoly.getLink(block.getAttribute('href'), counter, function (counter, request) {
                    cssVarPoly.findSetters(request.responseText, counter);
                    cssVarPoly.oldCSS[counter] = request.responseText;
                theCSS = '';
            // save off the CSS to parse through again later. the value may be empty for links that are waiting for their ajax return, but this will maintain the order
            cssVarPoly.oldCSS[counter] = theCSS;

    // find all the "--variable: value" matches in a provided block of CSS and add them to the master list
    findSetters: function(theCSS, counter) {
        // console.log(theCSS);
        cssVarPoly.varsByBlock[counter] = theCSS.match(/(--.+:.+;)/g) || [];

    // run through all the CSS blocks to update the variables and then inject on the page
    updateCSS: function() {
        // first lets loop through all the variables to make sure later vars trump earlier vars

        // loop through the css blocks (styles and links)
        for (let curCSSID in cssVarPoly.oldCSS) {
            // console.log("curCSS:",oldCSS[curCSSID]);
            let newCSS = cssVarPoly.replaceGetters(cssVarPoly.oldCSS[curCSSID], cssVarPoly.ratifiedVars);
            // put it back into the page
            // first check to see if this block exists already
            if (document.querySelector('#inserted' + curCSSID)) {
                // console.log("updating")
                document.querySelector('#inserted' + curCSSID).innerHTML = newCSS;
            } else {
                // console.log("adding");
                var style = document.createElement('style');
                style.type = 'text/css';
                style.innerHTML = newCSS;
       = 'inserted' + curCSSID;

    // parse a provided block of CSS looking for a provided list of variables and replace the --var-name with the correct value
    replaceGetters: function(curCSS, varList) {
        // console.log(varList);
        for (let theVar in varList) {
            // console.log(theVar);
            // match the variable with the actual variable name
            let getterRegex = new RegExp('var\\(\\s*' + theVar + '\\s*\\)', 'g');
            // console.log(getterRegex);
            // console.log(curCSS);
            curCSS = curCSS.replace(getterRegex, varList[theVar]);

            // now check for any getters that are left that have fallbacks
            let getterRegex2 = new RegExp('var\\(\\s*.+\\s*,\\s*(.+)\\)', 'g');
            // console.log(getterRegex);
            // console.log(curCSS);
            let matches = curCSS.match(getterRegex2);
            if (matches) {
                // console.log("matches",matches);
                matches.forEach(function (match) {
                    // console.log(match.match(/var\(.+,\s*(.+)\)/))
                    // find the fallback within the getter
                    curCSS = curCSS.replace(match, match.match(/var\(.+,\s*(.+)\)/)[1]);


            // curCSS = curCSS.replace(getterRegex2,varList[theVar]);
        // console.log(curCSS);
        return curCSS;

    // determine the css variable name value pair and track the latest
    ratifySetters: function(varList) {
        // console.log("varList:",varList);
        // loop through each block in order, to maintain order specificity
        for (let curBlock in varList) {
            let curVars = varList[curBlock];
            // console.log("curVars:",curVars);
            // loop through each var in the block
            curVars.forEach(function (theVar) {
                // console.log(theVar);
                // split on the name value pair separator
                let matches = theVar.split(/:\s*/);
                // console.log(matches);
                // put it in an object based on the varName. Each time we do this it will override a previous use and so will always have the last set be the winner
                // 0 = the name, 1 = the value, strip off the ; if it is there
                cssVarPoly.ratifiedVars[matches[0]] = matches[1].replace(/;/, '');
        // console.log(ratifiedVars);

    // get the CSS file (same domain for now)
    getLink: function(url, counter, success) {
        var request = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', url, true);
        request.onload = function () {
            if (request.status >= 200 && request.status < 400) {
                // Success!
                // console.log(request.responseText);
                if (typeof success === 'function') {
                    success(counter, request);
            } else {
                // We reached our target server, but it returned an error
                console.warn('an error was returned from:', url);

        request.onerror = function () {
            // There was a connection error of some sort
            console.warn('we could not get anything from:', url);



Author: ajawad987,
Warning: date(): Invalid date.timezone value 'Europe/Kyiv', we selected the timezone 'UTC' for now. in /var/www/agent_stack/data/www/ on line 54
2017-11-03 14:08:14

Próbowałem tej wersji Polyfill, ale skończyło się na błędach, gdy jedna linia w CSS miała wiele zmiennych (czcionka FI i kolor). Mój kolega mi pomógł. Patrz linia 94.

let cssVarPoly = {
    init: function() {
        // first lets see if the browser supports CSS variables
        // No version of IE supports window.CSS.supports, so if that isn't supported in the first place we know CSS variables is not supported
        // Edge supports supports, so check for actual variable support
        if (window.CSS && window.CSS.supports && window.CSS.supports('(--foo: red)')) {
            // this browser does support variables, abort
            // console.log('your browser supports CSS variables, aborting and letting the native support handle things.');
        } else {
            // edge barfs on console statements if the console is not open... lame!
            // console.log('no support for you! polyfill all (some of) the things!!');

        cssVarPoly.ratifiedVars = {};
        cssVarPoly.varsByBlock = {};
        cssVarPoly.oldCSS = {};

        // start things off

    // find all the css blocks, save off the content, and look for variables
    findCSS: function() {
        let styleBlocks = document.querySelectorAll('style:not(.inserted),link[type="text/css"]');

        // we need to track the order of the style/link elements when we save off the CSS, set a counter
        let counter = 1;

        // loop through all CSS blocks looking for CSS variables being set
        [], function (block) {
            // console.log(block.nodeName);
            let theCSS;
            if (block.nodeName === 'STYLE') {
                // console.log("style");
                theCSS = block.innerHTML;
                cssVarPoly.findSetters(theCSS, counter);
            } else if (block.nodeName === 'LINK') {
                // console.log("link");
                cssVarPoly.getLink(block.getAttribute('href'), counter, function (counter, request) {
                    cssVarPoly.findSetters(request.responseText, counter);
                    cssVarPoly.oldCSS[counter] = request.responseText;
                theCSS = '';
            // save off the CSS to parse through again later. the value may be empty for links that are waiting for their ajax return, but this will maintain the order
            cssVarPoly.oldCSS[counter] = theCSS;

    // find all the "--variable: value" matches in a provided block of CSS and add them to the master list
    findSetters: function(theCSS, counter) {
        // console.log(theCSS);
        cssVarPoly.varsByBlock[counter] = theCSS.match(/(--.+:.+;)/g) || [];

    // run through all the CSS blocks to update the variables and then inject on the page
    updateCSS: function() {
        // first lets loop through all the variables to make sure later vars trump earlier vars

        // loop through the css blocks (styles and links)
        for (let curCSSID in cssVarPoly.oldCSS) {
            // console.log("curCSS:",oldCSS[curCSSID]);
            let newCSS = cssVarPoly.replaceGetters(cssVarPoly.oldCSS[curCSSID], cssVarPoly.ratifiedVars);
            // put it back into the page
            // first check to see if this block exists already
            if (document.querySelector('#inserted' + curCSSID)) {
                // console.log("updating")
                document.querySelector('#inserted' + curCSSID).innerHTML = newCSS;
            } else {
                // console.log("adding");
                var style = document.createElement('style');
                style.type = 'text/css';
                style.innerHTML = newCSS;
       = 'inserted' + curCSSID;

    // parse a provided block of CSS looking for a provided list of variables and replace the --var-name with the correct value
    replaceGetters: function(curCSS, varList) {
        // console.log(varList);
        for (let theVar in varList) {
            // console.log(theVar);
            // match the variable with the actual variable name
            // console.log (theVar);
            var res = theVar.match(/--[a-zA-Z0-9-]+/g);
            // console.log (res[0]);
            theVar = res[0];
            let getterRegex = new RegExp('var\\(\\s*' + theVar + '\\s*\\)', 'g');
            // console.log(getterRegex);
            // console.log(curCSS);
            curCSS = curCSS.replace(getterRegex, varList[theVar]);

            // now check for any getters that are left that have fallbacks
            let getterRegex2 = new RegExp('var\\(\\s*.+\\s*,\\s*(.+)\\)', 'g');
            // console.log(getterRegex);
            // console.log(curCSS);
            let matches = curCSS.match(getterRegex2);
            if (matches) {
                // console.log("matches",matches);
                matches.forEach(function (match) {
                    // console.log(match.match(/var\(.+,\s*(.+)\)/))
                    // find the fallback within the getter
                    curCSS = curCSS.replace(match, match.match(/var\(.+,\s*(.+)\)/)[1]);

            // curCSS = curCSS.replace(getterRegex2,varList[theVar]);
        // console.log(curCSS);
        return curCSS;

    // determine the css variable name value pair and track the latest
    ratifySetters: function(varList) {
        // console.log("varList:",varList);
        // loop through each block in order, to maintain order specificity
        for (let curBlock in varList) {
            let curVars = varList[curBlock];
            // console.log("curVars:",curVars);
            // loop through each var in the block
            curVars.forEach(function (theVar) {
                // console.log(theVar);
                // split on the name value pair separator
                let matches = theVar.split(/:\s*/);
                // console.log(matches);
                // put it in an object based on the varName. Each time we do this it will override a previous use and so will always have the last set be the winner
                // 0 = the name, 1 = the value, strip off the ; if it is there
                cssVarPoly.ratifiedVars[matches[0]] = matches[1].replace(/;/, '');
        // console.log(ratifiedVars);

    // get the CSS file (same domain for now)
    getLink: function(url, counter, success) {
        var request = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', url, true);
        request.onload = function () {
            if (request.status >= 200 && request.status < 400) {
                // Success!
                // console.log(request.responseText);
                if (typeof success === 'function') {
                    success(counter, request);
            } else {
                // We reached our target server, but it returned an error
                console.warn('an error was returned from:', url);

        request.onerror = function () {
            // There was a connection error of some sort
            console.warn('we could not get anything from:', url);



Author: Grumpy Old Bastard,
Warning: date(): Invalid date.timezone value 'Europe/Kyiv', we selected the timezone 'UTC' for now. in /var/www/agent_stack/data/www/ on line 54
2018-03-06 13:01:34

Inną alternatywą, której używałem w VS, ponieważ nie lubi zmiennych CSS3 podczas minifikacji, jest sass (SCSS), pozwala mi tworzyć wiele zmiennych, a także łatwo minifikować do pliku CSS.

Author: R. StackUser,
Warning: date(): Invalid date.timezone value 'Europe/Kyiv', we selected the timezone 'UTC' for now. in /var/www/agent_stack/data/www/ on line 54
2018-02-13 19:49:05