Iteracja plików w folderze z zagnieżdżonymi folderami-Cocoa

Muszę uzyskać dostęp do każdego pliku w folderze, w tym pliku, który istnieje w zagnieżdżonych folderach. Przykładowy folder może wyglądać tak.


Powiedz, że chciałem uruchomić proces na każdym pliku w "animals", który nie jest folderem. Jaki byłby najlepszy sposób na iterację w folderze "zwierzęta" i wszystkich jego podfolderach, aby uzyskać dostęp do każdego pliku?

Author: minimalpop, 2011-04-22

5 answers

Użyj NSDirectoryEnumerator, aby rekurencyjnie wyliczyć pliki i katalogi pod wybranym katalogiem i poprosić go o informację, czy jest to plik czy katalog. Poniżej przedstawiono przykład podany w dokumentacji dla -[NSFileManager enumeratorAtURL:includingPropertiesForKeys:options:errorHandler:]:

NSFileManager *fileManager = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
NSURL *directoryURL = … // URL pointing to the directory you want to browse
NSArray *keys = [NSArray arrayWithObject:NSURLIsDirectoryKey];

NSDirectoryEnumerator *enumerator = [fileManager
    errorHandler:^(NSURL *url, NSError *error) {
        // Handle the error.
        // Return YES if the enumeration should continue after the error.
        return YES;

for (NSURL *url in enumerator) { 
    NSError *error;
    NSNumber *isDirectory = nil;
    if (! [url getResourceValue:&isDirectory forKey:NSURLIsDirectoryKey error:&error]) {
        // handle error
    else if (! [isDirectory boolValue]) {
        // No error and it’s not a directory; do something with the file
Author: Lars Blumberg,
Warning: date(): Invalid date.timezone value 'Europe/Kyiv', we selected the timezone 'UTC' for now. in /var/www/agent_stack/data/www/ on line 54
2016-03-31 10:27:33

Może możesz użyć czegoś takiego:

  NSString* file;
  NSDirectoryEnumerator* enumerator = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] enumeratorAtPath:path];
  while (file = [enumerator nextObject])
     // check if it's a directory
     BOOL isDirectory = NO;
    NSString* fullPath = [path stringByAppendingPathComponent:file];
    [[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:fullPath
                                         isDirectory: &isDirectory];
    if (!isDirectory)
      // open your file (fullPath)…
      [self openEachFileAt: fullPath];
Author: Karl von Moor,
Warning: date(): Invalid date.timezone value 'Europe/Kyiv', we selected the timezone 'UTC' for now. in /var/www/agent_stack/data/www/ on line 54
2015-06-27 08:44:03

Oto wersja swift:

func openEachFileAt(path: String) {
    var file: String

    var subs = NSFileManager.defaultManager().subpathsOfDirectoryAtPath(path, error: nil) as! [String]
    var totalFiles = subs.count
    for sub in subs {

        if sub.rangeOfString(".DS_Store") != nil {
            //a DS_Store file
        } else if sub.rangeOfString(".xcassets") != nil {
            //a xcassets file
        } else if (sub as NSString).substringWithRange(NSRange(location: 0, length: 4)) == ".git" {
            //a git file
        } else if sub.pathExtension == "swift" {
            //a swift file
        } else if sub.pathExtension == "m" {
            //a objc file
        } else if sub.pathExtension == "h" {
            //a header file
        } else {

        var fullPath = path.stringByAppendingPathComponent(sub)
Author: Esqarrouth,
Warning: date(): Invalid date.timezone value 'Europe/Kyiv', we selected the timezone 'UTC' for now. in /var/www/agent_stack/data/www/ on line 54
2015-06-30 22:47:35

Ten kod zadziałał dla mnie.

NSMutableString *allHash;  

  -(NSString*)getIterate:(NSString*)path {

        allHash = [NSMutableString stringWithString:@""];

        NSDirectoryEnumerator *de= [[NSFileManager defaultManager] enumeratorAtPath:path];
        NSString *file;
        BOOL isDirectory;

        for(file in de)

            //first check if it's a file
            NSString* fullPath = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/%@",path,file];

            BOOL fileExistsAtPath = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:fullPath isDirectory:&isDirectory];

            if (!isDirectory) //its a file
                //Do with filepath
            else{ //it's a folder, so recurse
                [self enumerateFolder:fullPath];

        return allHash;


    -(void) enumerateFolder:(NSString*)fileName

        NSDirectoryEnumerator *de= [[NSFileManager defaultManager] enumeratorAtPath:fileName];
        NSString* file;
        BOOL isDirectory;

        for(file in de)
            //first check if it's a file
            BOOL fileExistsAtPath = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:file isDirectory:&isDirectory];

            if (fileExistsAtPath) {
                if (!isDirectory) //its a file
                  //Do with file  
                else{ //it's a folder, so recurse

                    [self enumerateFolder:file];
            else printf("\nenumeratefolder No file at path %s",[file UTF8String]);
Author: Avijit Nagare,
Warning: date(): Invalid date.timezone value 'Europe/Kyiv', we selected the timezone 'UTC' for now. in /var/www/agent_stack/data/www/ on line 54
2016-07-15 10:36:54

Oto rozwiązanie za pomocą -subpathsOfDirectoryAtPath:rootPath, z adresami URL plików i nowoczesnym Objective-C nullability.

typedef void (^FileEnumerationBlock)(NSURL *_Nonnull fileURL);

@interface NSFileManager (Extensions)

- (void)enumerateWithRootDirectoryURL:(nonnull NSURL *)rootURL
                          fileHandler:(FileEnumerationBlock _Nonnull)fileHandler
                                error:(NSError *_Nullable *_Nullable)error;


@implementation NSFileManager (Extensions)

- (void)enumerateWithRootDirectoryURL:(NSURL *)rootURL
                                error:(NSError **)error {
    NSString *rootPath = rootURL.path;
    NSAssert(rootPath != nil, @"Invalid root URL %@ (nil path)", rootURL);

    NSArray *subs = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] subpathsOfDirectoryAtPath:rootPath

    if (!subs) {

    for (NSString *sub in subs) {
        fileHandler([rootURL URLByAppendingPathComponent:sub]);


... i to samo w Swift:

func enumerate(rootDirectoryURL rootURL: NSURL, fileHandler:(URL:NSURL)->Void) throws {
    guard let rootPath = rootURL.path else {
        preconditionFailure("Invalid root URL: \(rootURL)")

    let subs = try NSFileManager.defaultManager().subpathsOfDirectoryAtPath(rootPath)
    for sub in subs {
        fileHandler(URL: rootURL.URLByAppendingPathComponent(sub))
Author: mz2,
Warning: date(): Invalid date.timezone value 'Europe/Kyiv', we selected the timezone 'UTC' for now. in /var/www/agent_stack/data/www/ on line 54
2016-04-10 19:21:56