Jak odzyskać wszystkie możliwe informacje o koncie LinkedIn? (API za pomocą C#)

Piszę aplikację C#, aby korzystać z Linkedin ' s API .

Chcę być w stanie opiekować się "osobą" (Imię + Nazwisko) i uzyskać wszystkie możliwe informacje o tej grupie osób with the same name

Obecnie używam własnej implementacji REST APIoraz wywołań API People-Search.

To jest moja prośba,która działa:


Robienie tego (z: first-name=parameter&last-name=parameter after the ? mark)

Problem w tym, że chcę odzyskać więcej informacje takie jak: tytuł, Branża, bieżąca-firma, bieżąca-szkoła itp. Refere tutaj na listę możliwych parametrów

Ten zapis nazywa się selektorami pól

Jak skonfigurować moje wywołanie API, aby uzyskać wszystkie możliwe informacje o kimś ?

Author: Marcello Grechi Lins, 2011-12-21

3 answers

Masz już notację w dół, wszystko, co musisz zrobić, to dodać resztę selektorów pól, zagnieżdżając je w razie potrzeby:


Należy pamiętać, że w polu profile docs można uzyskać tylko wykształcenie dla połączeń pierwszego stopnia bieżącego użytkownika.

Author: Paul Mennega,
Warning: date(): Invalid date.timezone value 'Europe/Kyiv', we selected the timezone 'UTC' for now. in /var/www/agent_stack/data/www/doraprojects.net/template/agent.layouts/content.php on line 54
2011-12-21 16:58:36

Tutaj jest adres url, aby uzyskać wszystko dla użytkownika token dostępu Oauth2.

Tutaj jest ładna lista łańcuchów (Java):

    + "/v1/people/~:("
        + "id,"
        + "first-name,"
        + "last-name,"
        + "headline,"
        + "picture-url,"
        + "industry,"
        + "summary,"
        + "specialties,"
        + "positions:("
            + "id,"
            + "title,"
            + "summary,"
            + "start-date,"
            + "end-date,"
            + "is-current,"
            + "company:("
                + "id,"
                + "name,"
                + "type,"
                + "size,"
                + "industry,"
                + "ticker)"
        + "educations:("
            + "id,"
            + "school-name,"
            + "field-of-study,"
            + "start-date,"
            + "end-date,"
            + "degree,"
            + "activities,"
            + "notes),"
        + "associations," /* Full Profile */
        + "interests,"
        + "num-recommenders,"
        + "date-of-birth,"
        + "publications:("
            + "id,"
            + "title,"
            + "publisher:(name),"
            + "authors:(id,name),"
            + "date,"
            + "url,"
            + "summary),"
        + "patents:("
            + "id,"
            + "title,"
            + "summary,"
            + "number,"
            + "status:(id,name),"
            + "office:(name),"
            + "inventors:(id,name),"
            + "date,"
            + "url),"
        + "languages:("
            + "id,"
            + "language:(name),"
            + "proficiency:(level,name)),"
        + "skills:("
            + "id,"
            + "skill:(name)),"
        + "certifications:("
            + "id,"
            + "name,"
            + "authority:(name),"
            + "number,"
            + "start-date,"
            + "end-date),"
        + "courses:("
            + "id,"
            + "name,"
            + "number),"
        + "recommendations-received:("
            + "id,"
            + "recommendation-type,"
            + "recommendation-text,"
            + "recommender),"
        + "honors-awards,"
        + "three-current-positions,"
        + "three-past-positions,"
        + "volunteer"
    + ")" 
    + "?oauth2_access_token="+ token;
Author: BDG,
Warning: date(): Invalid date.timezone value 'Europe/Kyiv', we selected the timezone 'UTC' for now. in /var/www/agent_stack/data/www/doraprojects.net/template/agent.layouts/content.php on line 54
2016-12-01 05:37:42

Używam tego adresu URL, aby uzyskać wszystko, w tym e-mail i sformatowany jako

Author: lola_the_coding_girl,
Warning: date(): Invalid date.timezone value 'Europe/Kyiv', we selected the timezone 'UTC' for now. in /var/www/agent_stack/data/www/doraprojects.net/template/agent.layouts/content.php on line 54
2016-02-18 18:08:16